Vote for Mad Men! Mad Men pictutes & articles: Vanity Fair + L.A. Times

May 08, 2008 07:21

My MacBook was sick for the last 2 days, therefore I have a couple of news for you today:

Nominees: Best Show You're Not Watching
Logo nominated Vincent Kartheiser's Mad Men as one of the shows in their categoriy: Best Show You're Not Watching. Logo is the new lesbian & gay network from MTV Networks. For what it's worth it: it's an audience award, so everybody can vote for it here:

Vote !

So you all know what to do, right?

Sources: Debora on Basket of Kisses and fitzwilliamlogo on [madmen_tv]

New Mad Men article & image from Vanity Fair

Vanity Fair provided a new picture of the Mad Men cast and a nice short article about the show, unfortunately it doesn't say anything about my favoured characters Vincent's Pete and Elisabeth Moss' Peggy, but, you can't have everything :-) :

Smoke, Drink, Man, Woman

Mad Men, the Golden Globe-winning AMC drama, begins its second season next month.
by Jonathan Kelly June 2008

Oh, the good old days, when men could knock back a few martinis at lunch and bed women as compulsively as they smoked Lucky Strikes, while no one furrowed a brow at the office.

This high-water mark of male chauvinism is the milieu of Mad Men, the Golden Globe-winning AMC drama, which, after picking up a legion of obsessed fans, begins its second season next month. Set in 1960, the show follows the advertising executives of the fictitious Madison Avenue firm of Sterling Cooper as they one-up each other with cynical jingles and dream about the Pan Am account, with its perks of flying first-class to London, with service by the stewardesses resuming at the Dorchester. Despite the fact that he was born on the eve of Woodstock, creator Matthew Weiner, 42, has recaptured the era with authenticity and without nostalgia. His secret? “Good fiction of the time-I’m talking about Salinger and Cheever-gives you a sense of place. That’s what I wanted this to feel like.” (The pilot, written eight years ago, was Weiner’s entrée to the writers’ room of The Sopranos.)

But it’s the characters who fascinate: Don Draper (Jon Hamm), dark, mysterious, breathtakingly handsome, yet emotionally castrated; Roger Sterling (John Slattery), a well-oiled dandy who laughs at his own jokes and sees arrogance as his greatest asset; and Sterling’s mistress, bosomy office manager Joan Holloway (Christina Hendricks). Perspicacious and flirty, she is the precursor of the flower generation, while Draper’s wife, Betty (January Jones), is the gorgeous orchid, frozen in Eisenhower-era black-and-white. The appeal of these characters transcends time. “Men were allowed to do different things back then,” says Weiner. “They feel exactly the same way now, but they just can’t act on it.”

Jonathan Kelly is an executive assistant to the editor of Vanity Fair.

Sources: Vanity Fair

The L.A. Times: Can Mad Men, Dexter, Damages or Tudors reap Emmy bids?

Some LAT journalists talk about their thoughts on the upcoming Emmy nominations:

"It's The Year Cable Hijacks The Emmys or I move to Canada!" vowed Ray Richmond of the Hollywood Reporter when he gave me his list of the 10 TV drama series he expects to be finalists after a popular vote of TV academy members is conducted in early June. No non-HBO cable show has ever been nominated for best drama (or even comedy series for that matter), but several have a shot to make it this year after judging panels pick the five nominees after viewing sample episodes of the Top 10 finalists in late June.


So, in order to predict which five programs will be up for best drama series, you must first predict which 10 will be make the initial Top 10 list. I asked Ray to join me and our two resident Emmy experts here at The Envelope - forums moderators Robert "Rob L" Licuria and Chris "Boomer" Beachum - to give me their predix plus views to back them up.

CHRIS "BOOMER" BEACHUM: Of last year's Top 10, two shows completely departed ("Rome" and "The Sopranos") while "24" didn't air during the eligibility period. That opens up three slots, but I think the quality dip for "Heroes" and "Friday Night Lights" will also remove them from the contenders. That means a major shuffle for this list. Fortunately, there are two new shows ("Damages" and "Mad Men") that are locks for the Top 10. HBO will keep its slot with "Big Love." That means the other two slots will go to the steady hit "The Closer" and surging second season hit "The Tudors." It is also possible that "Brothers & Sisters" and/or "In Treatment" might make the cut.

RAY RICHMOND: All's relatively quiet on the Emmy front at this early date, so much so that you can practically hear a rating drop. But there is no time for pessimism. This is, after all, still spring, that crucial time when the academy's "Brothers & Sisters," feeling "Lost," consider going "In Treatment" so as not to develop into "Mad Men" - or wind up "Pushing Daisies." Forgive me. This is really "Breaking Bad." Please "Rescue Me". . . and don't sue for "Damages."

ROBERT "ROB L" LICURIA: I would like nothing more that to place "The Tudors" in this list, but, even though it is leaps and bounds better than what it was in its first season, it may struggle in the most competitive series race of the year (by far). I think "Brothers & Sisters" will finally be a placegetter this year, and I also think that "Friday Night Lights"- which I admit is really on the edge of being booted out of this category - might still have enough support to squeak in over TNT's "The Closer." I mean, I am a big supporter of the theory that non-HBO cable shows are going to make a huge showing this year, but . . . with "Damages," "Dexter" and "Mad Men" in the running, it will be an up-hill climb for that show to make it here. I actually think those three shows might make history this year by cracking the top 5. It is possible, but it's up to FX, Showtime and AMC to help make it happen. Surely all three can't be nominated? Right? It's too early to tell, but I'm putting this possibility out there anyway. If we decide to actually see reason and go the traditional route (aka, networks rule, OK?), then "Boston Legal" will surprise everyone (again) and make the cut (pardon the bad pun) in the top 5 over our favorite serial killer Dexter.

Posted by tomoneil on May 5, 2008 in House M.D.

Sources: L.A. Times

Logo hat Vincent Kartheiser's Mad Men für einen Award in der Kategorie: Best Show You're Not Watching nominiert :-). Hinter Logo verbirgt sich der schwul/lesbische Bereich von MTV. Das schöne an diesem Award ist, dass jede(r) mit abstimmen kann:

Abstimmen !

Ihr wißt also, was Ihr zu tun habt?

Ansonsten hat es diese Woche sowohl in der Vanity Fair als auch in der L.A. Times kleine Artikel mit Bildern zu Mad Men gegeben. Es war nichts über Vincent darin enthalten, nur eine paar allgemeine Bemerkungen zu der Show bzw. Vermutungen darüber, wer dieses Jahr für einen Emmy nominiert wird.

mad men, award/nomination, emmy, vincent kartheiser, article

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