Mad Men 2.01: 30 high res. (1280 x 720 px ) Screenshots
Aug 07, 2008 10:44
I know, it's kind of late, but I uploaded yesterday 30 screen caps of Vincent's Mad Men episode 2.01 For Those Who Are Young to my German Website. All images have a are BIG, meaning they have a resolution of 1280 x 720 px and a size of approx. 500 kB. I have to thank dresden_doll_01 and ladybird_7 , without their hint, this pictures would have a lower resolution :-)
Vincent Kartheiser Sreenshots von der vorletzten Mad Men Episode 2.01 For Those Who Are Young. Wie immer liegen die Photos auch auf meiner deutschen Webseite. Viel Spaß :-)