Nostalgia ;-) Vincent in Angel 5.22 Not Fade Away

Oct 09, 2008 12:47

Because they finally aired the 4th and 5th season of Angel for the first time on German TV (of course the DVDs were out since a couple of years now), I took the opportunity to re-watch them: Not Fade Away is one of 2 episodes of the 5th season which has Vincent as Connor in it. It is only a small part, but it was worth watching it from a Vincent-fan-point-of-view, because we could finally see Connor in a way, at least I wanted for a long time. Additionally, the finale of the last season was a pretty good one - it finishes a lot of stories you always wanted to be ended and it left enough open for a 6th season at the comic release.
Of course I have some screenshots to share, you find here my favourite ones and all 45 of them at my German Fansite

Da sie es nun endlich Not Fade Away auch im deutschen TV gezeigt haben, hier ein paar Screenshots von Vincent als Angels Sohn Connor, alle 45 findet ihr auf meiner Webseite

→ All 45 Caps ←

angel/connor, vincent kartheiser, images

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