Yeah, I'm having a tired week and writing titles is hard and once I started I kinda felt I had to keep doing it. Even though I'm really down into it now and there isn't really a good title every day.
Status: Up this week, but keeping at it. Runs going well, the rest less so.
Gaming day was Saturday, and I've done a poor job of staying on goals since then. Saturday night my body objected to not having a proper dinner (I think) and I spent some quality time in the bathroom, ahem. That cut my ONE night I had to catch upon sleep a bit short, and I've been trying (and failing) to catch up all week. Plus, my nose is telling me I have a minor cold. It's also possible that 3 weeks off the CPAP might be catching up a bit. If I *do* still need it, right about now is when I expected to start noticing.
As a result I've been tired and cranky and lacking in willpower. I have managed to stay with the runs, but I've not really gotten any additional steps beyond that, so my step counts are low and my calorie counts are high.
On the plus side, I am still adding bonus minutes to the runs. Today's run was supposed to be a 5 minute interval and a 12 minute interval, which would already be the largest interval I've done. I pushed it 3 more minutes and did 15, partly because I've been very intimidated by what's coming up. Friday's will be a 2 minute interval and a 15 minute interval. To keep up with my bonus minutes I'll have to push that to 18. We'll see. Since I already did the 15, I can only assume that I should be able to push that out to 18.
Generally my longer intervals go like this: The first few minutes are me going "Ok muscles, let's go, get warmed up." Then they do, and since I'm staring at a timer the whole time, I'm doing the math. "Ok, that's 25%. Ok that's 50%. Ok, only 5 minutes to go, you can do 5 minutes, etc." Monday's run, because I was *so* short on sleep, I was really, really thankful to be done with. I'm doing a little bit better today, as I felt I probably could've gone just a little longer. At the very least, I'm less intimidated by Friday's run.
But there's still the knowledge that at the speed I'm running, 15 minutes isn't even to the halfway point of 5K. (At 5.5 mph a 5K is just under 35 minutes of sustained running). If I run a little faster I could get that down to 30 minutes (6.5mph would) but I'm pretty sure I don't (yet) have the stamina for that, and I'm not ready to start playing with the speed. That can come later. That said, at some point I want to see if I can work myself up to doing an 8 minute mile; but that's running a lot faster than I do now.
Still, I think that's my program after finishing the 5K: Speed training, see if I can get myself up to doing an 8 minute mile.
There's not much else to report this week. Right this second I kind of want to take the rest of the week off and play games all week. But I won't.