Fic: This is Why (the Dictionary Invented the Word No)

May 09, 2010 18:53

Title: This is Why (the Dictionary Invented the Word No)
Author: morcalivan
Challenge: Written for the au_bigbang
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin (too many secondary / mentioned in passing pairings to you know, mention)
Rating: R
Warnings: Self indulgent fluff. Every romance movie cliché in existence
Word Count: 22 286
Disclaimer: I own nothing, Merlin characters belong to BBC and Shine
Summary: In order to win back the affections of an ex, Arthur has gotten himself caught up in a bet to transform the socially awkward into the socially acceptable. Features evil!Sophia, clueless!Merlin, hippy!Hunith and bit-of-a-tart!Will (in short: the highschool!AU that steals the plot from the She's All That movie)
Author Notes: Giant thanks to cassierua for the beta, the AU Big Bang mods who provided the opportunity for me to indulge in my love for highschool!AU fic, and all the other participants who shared their trials and victories through the whole experience and helped keep me motivated.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Also available in PDF

Awesome Fanmix by arithilim

genre: romance, genre: au, 1st time posting, genre: fluff, rating: r, fanfic

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