day 01 → your favorite song
day 02 → your favorite movie
day 03 → your favorite television program
day 04 → your favorite book
day 05 → your favorite quote
day 06 → whatever tickles your fancy
day 07 → a photo that makes you happy
day 08 → a photo that makes you angry/sad
day 09 → a photo you took
day 10 → a photo of you taken over ten years ago
day 11 → a photo of you taken recently
day 12 → whatever tickles your fancy
day 13 → a fictional book
day 14 → a non-fictional book
day 15 → a fanfic
day 16 → a song that makes you cry (or nearly)
day 17 → an art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)
day 18 → whatever tickles your fancy
day 19 → a talent of yours
day 20 → a hobby of yours
day 21 → a recipe
day 22 → a website
day 23 → a YouTube video
day 24 → whatever tickles your fancy
day 25 → an object/a belonging
day 26 → a place
day 27 → a poem
day 28 → a food
day 29 → something that makes you amused
day 30 → whatever tickles your fancy
day 04 → your favorite book
I was first introduced to Enders Game in my early teens, back when Dad would shove every book that he'd "read at my age" at my face in the hopes I would like it too. And he was never wrong- I loved every single book he presented to me, but this is the one I hold closest, and reread every so often. It's a sci-fi, which is probably obvious from the cover, and a little surprising to those that know my preferance for fantasy. It's fairly short, and an increadibly easy read. The gist of the story for those who don't know it is a young prodigy is taken away from home to be trained at "Battle School", a military base in orbit around the Earth. It focuses on the harsh testing the boy is put through to ready him for command, and the various breakdowns he goes through as he forgets about being a child.
One of the strange (and awesome) things about this book is that it has a parallel- roughly the same story, told from the perspective of another character
Both work fine as books on their own, but together they compliment and enhance each other greatly, allowing fresh perspectives of all that was going on at the school, and back down on Earth.
Seriously, every time I read a shoddy fanfic with crappy pointless PoV changes I want to shove these books down the authors throats.