day 01 → your favorite song
day 02 → your favorite movie
day 03 → your favorite television program
day 04 → your favorite book
day 05 → your favorite quote
day 06 → whatever tickles your fancy
day 07 → a photo that makes you happy
day 08 → a photo that makes you angry/sad
day 09 → a photo you took
day 10 → a photo of you taken over ten years ago
day 11 → a photo of you taken recently
day 12 → whatever tickles your fancy
day 13 → a fictional book
day 14 → a non-fictional book
day 15 → a fanfic
day 16 → a song that makes you cry (or nearly)
day 17 → an art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)
day 18 → whatever tickles your fancy
day 19 → a talent of yours
day 20 → a hobby of yours
day 21 → a recipe
day 22 → a website
day 23 → a YouTube video
day 24 → whatever tickles your fancy
day 25 → an object/a belonging
day 26 → a place
day 27 → a poem
day 28 → a food
day 29 → something that makes you amused
day 30 → whatever tickles your fancy
day 15 → a fanfic
What are you talking about? I never read fanfiction!
*cough* I choose this one: The Eternal Legend I go through phases of scouring a particular category on, and I found this gem during my Legend of Zelda phase. it's very rare that I'm actually moved to review at the end of reading a fic (bad of me, I know...), but this one blew me away with its scale. I'm very glad I left that review now, it meant I could actually find the damn thing again!
It's an Ocarina of Time setting, though to begin with I thought it was going to be more Four Swords based, what with the opening of a group a mages splitting a child's soul into four in an attempt to cheat destiny. The story follows one of these pieces of Link, who ends up as personal guard to Princess Zelda, unemotional and driven only by his duty to protect her. Things fall apart as destiny brings the four parts of Link back together, and evil stirs in the Sacred Realm...
*ahem* So I rether enjoyed it when I read it, infact in reading the review I left it would seem I stayed up until 5am reading it one night (I remember it took me 3 days to finish reading), so if you're a Zelda fan that feels like reading 58 chapters of epic, I highly reccommend it!
(Oh, and while it is mostly action, there is romance involved, so for those who care about such things the pairing is Link/Malon 8D)