Name: Katie
Gender: Female
Age: Sixteen.
3 links of app's you've voted on:
deux, et
Hobbies: Writing, drawing, singing, acting, painting, and telling stories.
Likes: Music, a good book, sarcasm, rainy nights, sunny afternoons, art, a good cup of coffee, movies, musicals, and children.
Dislikes: Ignorance, arrogance, people who chew their food too loudly, people who walk too slow, and people who cannot think for themselves.
Strong points: Sense of humor, optimism, affectionate, and I'm very brave.
Weaker points: Ability to start a conversation
Talents: Writing, painting, drawing, and singing.
Describe your personality: I'm really quirky. I stand strong with my beliefs and defend them when people question them. I voice my opinion whenever it's needed, but at many times I'm left being as quiet as a mouse. I have a very strong sense of humor and I use it quite often whenever a situation is awkward. I'm a dreamer and I spend a lot of my time with my thoughts far off. I care far more about people and their feelings then an average sane person would. I'm also, a hopeless romantic.
Are you more likely to be walked on or do the walking? I would never let anyone walk on me and I wouldn't walk on anyone either.
Can you keep a secret? Yes.
Snoop around or flat out ask? Snoop around then ask.
Would you rather have love or power? Love.
How do you feel about romance or relationships? I'm a hopeless romantic and I love them both :)
If you could visit one place, where would it be? London definitely! I love the culture and the history and I've wanted to live there for the longest time.
Your biggest fear: Loosing someone I love, being hurt by someone I love, spiders, and falling to my death.
Rebel or by the book? Rebel.
With these, put an X next to the ones that pertain to you (and please be honest!):
[x]You are a happy person.
[ ]You are on the quiet/shy side.
[ ]You are scatter-brained.
[ ]Your a sexy flirt
[ ]You are a dominant individual.
[ ]Others find you intimidating.
[x]You are naive.
[x]You tend to be coy
[ ]You are considered "cold-hearted" at times.
[x]You are sarcastic.
[x]You are a determined individual.
[x]You are well known in your community.
[x]You are artsy.
[ ]You are conniving.
Anything else we should know? Nope! Thanks for voting though :D