Name: Jacintha
Gender: Female
Age: 16
3 links of app's you've voted on: Reading, writing, listening to music, shopping, watching movies, star-gazing
Likes: Spaghetti, music, spontaneity, starry nights, my fandoms and many more
Dislikes: Loud chewing noises, inconsiderate people, highly pessimistic people, overly possessive and clingy people
Strong points: Feisty, adventurous, free-spirited, creative, passionate, romantic
Weaker points: Sensitive, stubborn, tenacious, temperamental, hates to be dependent
Talents: Arts
Describe your personality: I'm a lover and a fighter, I crave for adventure and spontaneity. My loved ones are my world.
Are you more likely to be walked on or do the walking? A mix
Can you keep a secret? Sure
Snoop around or flat out ask? Flat out ask
Would you rather have love or power? Love
How do you feel about romance or relationships? I'm a firm believer of love, but I do know it takes two people to work a relationship.
If you could visit one place, where would it be? New York/London
Your biggest fear: Death of my loved ones, insects, being blind
Rebel or by the book? Rebel
With these, put an X next to the ones that pertain to you (and please be honest!):
[X]You are a happy person.
[ ]You are on the quiet/shy side.
[ ]You are scatter-brained.
[ ]Your a sexy flirt
[X]You are a dominant individual.
[X]Others find you intimidating.
[ ]You are naive.
[ ]You tend to be coy
[ ]You are considered "cold-hearted" at times.
[ ]You are sarcastic.
[X]You are a determined individual.
[ ]You are well known in your community.
[X]You are artsy.
[ ]You are conniving.
Anything else we should know? No, thanks for voting! ♥