Title: Casual Whom
Fandom: Castle
Pairings/Characters: Castle/Beckett
Rating: K
Notes: I noticed that Beckett properly used 'whom' in a recent episode, and no attention was called to it, and being the grammar geek that I am, I almost squeed, and then this happened.
She had always thought whom an unusable word, capable only of condescension in the hands of the knowledgeable and self-branding in those of the lesser. She was always one of the lesser.
But this--THIS is something entirely different: a casual whom in a casual inquiry, with no conscious thought and no condescension. It's the whom of a third group, of writers, and her use of it says novels' worth, as she is not a writer.
It is a public display of connection, more intimate than a casual caress. Back off, it says, This girl is a writer's girl now.