This is the resource post for
merrychildicons + ask to affiliate here post!
For those lovely people who make brushes and textures and all sorts of things, I give thee credit here.
Textures + Brushes:
ajneri amethystia100 angelfish_icons _cinjudes_curlwurl discordandnight elitenobody exit_eternity fall_out_grrl feverof_fate girlboheme graphira _iconographer harmoniouskattitude leelarama liars_Dance lil_brokenangel mikitoru pale_septembre perfeclyflawed rainharbour regen resunik rxyangl secdoover sheepy_hollow shellybear665shoegirl_icons slut_doll taintedproof tender_color titan_girl tragic_icons tsukicon wicked_avis wonderland__ ytiralc http://www.colorfilter.net Caps
cap_it Artbook Scans
Aethereality Gallery Ouran Scans
For Richer or Poorer+other places (that I'll find links to)
If you notice that I'm using a brush or something of yours that I have not credited, please lemme know and I'll credit you. >.< Sometimes I get kind of thoughtless, but I still love you and would love to credit your lovely resources.
Want to Affiliate with
merrychildicons? I will gladly affiliate with nearly any icon journal, as long as it some sort of common interest (read "common series"). I won't affiliate with someone who doesn't icon any of the series that I icon, unless it's a series that I like... but don't icon (such as vampire knight or several shojo series'). Please comment in this entry if you would like to affiliate. :-D
Awards have moved
here updated 12/19/2006