I'm bored, class is about to let out, I have 6 period next (which is a free that has been turned into my study period, but now I use it to go to my math teacher for tutoring). So instead I will go to walgreens and get a nice low calorie muffin. Why? Because after school I have detention from 3:15-4:15pm
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Comments 1
Is detention becoming a punishment now? When I was there, it was more like a gathering for me and my friends. We'd kind of just sit there and talk about random things.
Cake is my miracle food. Its the one thing I can eat in excessive amounts that never seems to make me gain weight XD. God's kinda screwed my life now, but at least he gave me that!
And yeah....I can relate to war plane noises. I live right across the street from the airport. So every time a plane or helecoptor takes flight...it's a mess of noise. めんどくせ~
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