Snagged from fake_wings

Feb 06, 2007 22:33

What is the first thing you usually see when you get up in the morning?
Usually Richard saying goodbye to me. Sometimes one of the cats asking to be fed.

Do you wear anything to correct your vision?
I should, but I don't.

What are some of your favorite television programs?
Firefly, Freaks and Geeks, Roseanne, Taxi, ATHF, Monty Python's Flying Circus (yes, the Pythons existed before Holy Grail.

In no particular order, name 5 of your favorite movies of all time.
Hairspray, Insomnia, The Seven-Year Itch, The Birdcage, The Big Lebowski.

What movie have you seen the most? How many times?
It's a tie between The Birdcage and The Big Lebowski.

Do you collect anything?
Abandoned bird's nests, tarot cards, vintage cameras, scarves.

What kind of art do you like (even if it’s not hanging in your house)?
Good art, yo. I love Art Nouveau, storybook art from the 1900s to the 1950s, and vintage erotic photos.

What is the first sound you usually hear in the morning?
Either Richard saying goodbye to me, or my dumbass neighbor's music.

What are you hearing right now?
Richard is in the next room listening to the album Heyday by The Church.

If you had to pick only five CDs to take with you on a road trip, which would they be?
Carbon Glacier by Laura Veirs, More Songs About Buildings and Food by Talking Heads, Combat Rock by the Clash, Pet Sounds by the Beach Boys, and anything by Mississippi John Hurt.

Name a CD or song in your music collection that you think the rest of us have not heard.
"Mera Kuchh Samaan" by Asha Bhosle and Kronos Quartet.

Is there a genre of music you absolutely cannot stand to listen to?
Modern Top 40 shit.

How have your musical tastes changed over the years?
I used to listen almost exclusively to classic rock, even if it was bad. I've since refined my tastes. Honestly, I listen to anything I genuinely like, whether it's opera, blues, rap, rock, or whatever.

Aside from music, what is your favorite sound?
The sound of water. Oceans, rain, brooks, anything watery.

What is the first scent(s) you usually smell in the morning?
Whatever incense I burned the night before.

What do you smell right now?
Patchouli and Geranium essential oils. (I just made a batch of soap, and the smell of whatever I've worked with seems to cling to me for days.)

What scents take you back to your childhood?
Lipstick, the smell of my mom, the smell of my dad, Pert shampoo, grape juice, grass, the smell after a thunderstorm mixed with rain and blackberries (there's a long story behind this), that kindergarten school paste with the applicator in the lid.

What perfume/cologne/body spray do you wear (if any)?
The perfume I've been wearing lately is called Olive Leaf and is made by The Thymes.

Are there any scents that you like that you think aren’t typical? (Some people like the smell of gasoline, for example.)
Gasoline, foam rubber, new CDs and DVDs, and the smell of horse stables.

Other than the thing(s) listed in the previous answer, what are some of your favorite scents?
Orange blossom, plum, peony, tangerine, cedar, bergamot, bay rum, tuberose, ...there are way too many to list completely.

Besides the obvious, are there certain smells that make you feel sick?
This high-end cologne that my ex-boyfriend used to wear. I don't remember what it's called, but I'll smell it out in public every once in a while, and it makes me want to die.

What is the first thing you usually touch in the morning?
I like to reach out and touch my stuffed cat, Maxine. I've had her since I was nine, and she's a security item for me. It makes me feel safe to know she's there.

Do you have high thread-count sheets?
Yes I do. I didn't even know that when I bought them, though. I just liked the pattern.

What is your favorite shirt made of?
Cotton? Seriously, I have the most basic clothes ever.

With the exception of the obvious, what part(s) of your body do you love having touched?
My feet, shoulders, and head. I love a good scalp massage.

What part(s) of your body do you least like to be touched?
The insides of my arms. I'm super ticklish there.

Are you ticklish? If so, where?
I'm ticklish all over.

Do you enjoy popping bubblewrap?
Not so much.

What is the first thing you usually taste in the morning?
A cigarette. (I know, bad. It's true, though.) And then toothpaste.

How do you take your coffee/tea?
I like my coffee very, very strong, with a little cream and sugar in it. I don't drink coffe much though. And I like my tea all kinds of ways: plain, milky, with honey, as long as there's no lemon involved. And I love sweet tea, which is a very Southern thing.

What is a typical lunch for you?
Whatever there is around.

What food will you absolutely not eat?
Shellfish. That shell is the animal's house, and I don't know how clean they kept it before they ended up in a soup pot. (I will make an exception for scallops and coconut prawns, though.) I also cannot stand plums. I love the flavor, but the texture makes me want to gag.

What is the strangest thing you’ve eaten?
I don't really consider many of the things I eat strange, but that's probably just me. (The fact that a dish orginates from another country does not automatically make it strange.) The grossest thing I ever ate, though, was my stepdad's meatloaf. It had green bell peppers in it, and a huge vein of cheese running through the center. It was awful, and has become something of a legend in my family.

Lollipop or bubble gum?
Lollipop, as long as it's not too sweet.

You’re about to be executed. What’s your last meal?
Fettucine with salmon, spinach salad, chicken shwarma, lokma, chicken tikka masala and rice, naan, fried chicken, mashed potatoes, collards with bacon, cole slaw, cheap blackberry wine, Oberon beer, fruit punch, chai tea, cannoli, and spumoni. If I'm going to be killed, I'd like it to be with a full and happy tummy.

How tall are you?
5'9". I wasn't super tall back home, it seemed, but here in Illinois I'm like a giantess.

How much do you weigh?
Over 250. I'm not too terribly certain, as I haven't been weighed in a long time. All's I know is I'm fat, and yes, I'm perfectly content with this fact.

Do you exercise regularly? If so, what do you do?
Not really, unless you count rough-housing with my boyfriend. I also dance a lot.

Are you or have you ever been a vegetarian?

If you could magically, instantly change one part of your body, what would it be?
Perfectly smooth, unblemished skin forever.

Any vices?
-whispers- Sex toys. Shh! Don't tell anyone! :D

Do you have any chronic medical conditions?
Arthritis, hypoglycemia, depression/social anxiety, the list goes on and on. Who doesn't have a buttload of medical conditions, though?

Did you graduate high school?
Nope. I dropped out and got my GED. I'm still a heck of a lot smarter than most college graduates I know, though.

Do you have any college under your belt? A degree?

What is your IQ?
Around 150.

What was your best (not favorite) subject in school?
Any branch of science.

Are you more book-smart or street-wise?
Both. I place a higher premium on street smarts, though.

Name something you taught yourself.
Sexual health, religious studies, birding.

Do you have a mental disorder?
Who doesn't?

Are you in love?

Do you have a crush on someone?
I have all kinds of crushes on various people, but none of them are serious.

Do you fall in love easily?
Not at all. I'm prickly, and I prefer being single.

What things do you believe are most important in a partner?
Someone who will be my best friend.

What is the most romantic thing you have done for someone?
What is the most romantic thing someone has done for you?
(I've combined these into the following.)

What is the most romantic thing you've done with someone?
Stayed for a few days in a hotel on the Washington Peninsula, and while there, drove for four hours to see the Pacific Ocean. Neither of us had seen it before.

Describe the perfect kiss.
I really don't think that kisses can be described that well. And some kisses are better than others at different times, depending on how one feels and what's going on.

Do you believe in (any) God?
Very much yes.

Do you meditate or pray regularly?
Not too regularly. :(

Have you read religious texts other than the Bible?
Yes, many.

What do you think happens after we die?
Maybe something, maybe nothing. I'd be happy to live in a paradise for the rest of eternity, but if that's not a possibilty, I'm perfectly happy to feed worms and plants.

Have you ever witnessed something you thought was a “miracle”?
No, but I've had some really cool experiences that have confirmed the existance of Deity to me.

What do you do to relax, calm down, find your center, etc?
I'm almost always calm. If I really need to take a chill pill, I'll stand in the shower and pour bowlfuls of warm water over my head. It calms me down like nothing else. So does swimming and dancing.

What kinds of things bring you absolute joy?
Family, friends, pets, good food, music, natual/organic beauty products, perfume, solitude, close companionship.


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