Some advice? Put in the application and make sure you'll have the job before you leave your current one. Unless being unemployed for a bit doesn't bother you that is.
And you know what's sad? I frequent Home Depot a lot, and usually their CS is horrible in the aisles. I usually end up helping people and giving them some pointers on building materials and projects.
...My father does the exact same thing too. That's just scary. ;_;
What are you talking about? I have two jobs right now. I know how to handle job transitions, haha. I'd be leaving GameStop... Staying at Friedman's... And picking up a job at Bath & Bodyworks.
Heehee, yeah, I was so happy when I found it! And you know you don't want that job, hahaha. Let's hang out. :) Mary's gonna start... GASP, working out! OMG!
What happened to your butt? :) S'all pointy and stuff... must be that Italian gangsta influence we discussed the other night. Or maybe... well, you know how people eat things and they're like "I shouldn't eat this, it'll go straight to my hips!" Maybe the Sim-Mary ate a Dorito and it went straight to her butt! I'm keeeeding. OK, all butt comments aside, you guys are definitely teh cute! And tell Friedmans that you need a better commission!
Comments 8
And you know what's sad? I frequent Home Depot a lot, and usually their CS is horrible in the aisles. I usually end up helping people and giving them some pointers on building materials and projects.
...My father does the exact same thing too. That's just scary. ;_;
What are you talking about? I have two jobs right now. I know how to handle job transitions, haha. I'd be leaving GameStop... Staying at Friedman's... And picking up a job at Bath & Bodyworks.
You need to updaaaaaaate
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