On the early morning hours of February 7th, which suck worse than an inexperienced vampire.
Girls should all be locked in dungeons on some island to go rot and die.
No, that's not it. That'd be bad, as I'd be completely bereft of girls and be stuck wanking myself off all the time, which just isn't going to cut it.
Red-haired, freckly bints with good legs and sticks up their arses should go be locked in dungeons on some island to go rot and die. Yes, that'd work, so long as Prongs didn't BLOODY FOLLOW.
Ever since - Merlin knows why - Lily started NOT HATING James and NOT ragging on him whenever she could and NOT making him feel like a giant pimple on the nose of an East-European supermodel, it's always just been "Lily this" and "Lily that" and "Lily would kill me" and "but Lily says..."
I'm going to burn every single Lily I see. Every lily pad, every lily of the valley, every single bloody AUGH.
What pisses me off the most is....Lily's going to get sick of treating James well, and then she's going to treat him like shit again, but he doesn't see that. He thinks it's all fated to be and that they're going to be together forever and ever and ever and it makes me want to puke in my mouth a little at how pathetically romantically idealistic James can be at times, really a thick-headed oak-brain of a berk. I barely even see him anymore, and he's my BEST FRIEND.
I'm really starting to get sick of all of this - it's like he's forgotten I even exist.
No, not really starting. I AM sick of this. I am so sick of this, I want to go into the Forbidden Forest and try to DIE so James can go "oh wait, that's my bestest best friend over there getting mauled by a giant spider, I probably should've talked to him in the past few months. Really sorry about it all."
Fucking fuck of a fucker.
On the mid-morning hours of February 7th, which are starting to look a little better, as if said inexperienced vampire had turned into a lovely - but equally painful - Veela
Barty sent me word today to go meet up with him. Boy thinks he can owl me whenever he pleases, like I'm some sort of dog.
Oh what the hell, I am a dog - sort of. And I don't come when heeled, but I'm thinking some alcohol and smoking up could do me some good about now. What the hell, I'll just go.