So many comics...

Jan 07, 2015 17:19

So little time? Seriously there are so many other things I should be doing. But it's so much more fun to self sabotage my life and read comic books instead.

Opens with the brilliant dialogue:

"Where's my space suit?"
"I threw it out"

Fucking hilarious. X) I have no idea who Animal Man is but I think I might like him... Or maybe I just want his powers (I totally do. I mean if I could have the choice I'd pick The Flash's powers any time but if that wasn't an option I'd totally want to connect to animals)

Still think the "Last time you inspired anyone was when you were dead" comment from Bruce to Clark was really harsh, and here we have Clark staring at the headline from when he was dead going "Bruce was right" Come on baby, he's not always right. In particular during this event he is not right.

Aaah, Geoff Johns managed in just a few pages explain 12 issues of Crisis on Infinite Earths in a way that I understood. What the hell? How?

Powergirl regaining memories was actually a sweet moment, I wanted her to be happy about something.

Booster Gold was confusing to me, is it current Booster? Is it a Booster who traveled in time? So confused...

I'm actually not completely hating the plot, It's intriguing. Seriously hoping the multiverse returns...

Superboy Prime is going to be extremely annoying isn't he?

Meant it, I am liking Animal Man. But to quote Firestorm, he is very white. X) Everyone is very white compared to you Jason. I really like this Firestorm as well, not that I knew anything about the previous Firestorm so can't really compare the two.

#31 was great for all the times Roy face palmed and said "crap" X) Oh my god, just... Their lack of transportation, the embarrassment. It was amazingly hilarious. ;p

The Starfire, Shift and Jade stuff was confusing. I'm still very confused as to why other people from Starfire's planet get to wear clothes while she isn't wearing anything at all...

Roy and his team on earth were my favorite bits though, with Roy infiltrating as Deathstroke and actually the fact that they succeeded for fucking once. It was nice to see them get a win for the first time in 30 issues. ;p

I miss Nightwing but I like this team, and I like Roy.

I liked the ending. Both the plot ending, but also seeing them celebrate. It was nice to see something positive.

Didn't pay much attention during the first two issues. A lot of skimming. I don't know much about Hawkman and Hawkgirl's relationship nor their history to really care. So most of their dialogue I skipped.

Issue 49 however had the most adorable opening scene with the two of them in bed just smiling and joking and it was just a light, hopeful, sweet scene in the middle of the war that I instantly thought "Oh, someone is going to die."

No one died in this issue, but I have stll have the feeling one of them won't make it out of this crisis alive. Still that last one was really good the whole issue and not just the opening scene.

Started with quoting Batman again about Superman having to be dead to inspire people. Seriously, I haven't read many Superman stories from the 90's and forward, but that still rankles me because no way is it true. It was just something Batman threw out because he's unbalanced by the events lately and he lashes out because he has problems connecting and asking for help. All of these things Clark should know, or at least he should know better than to believe that claim.

Good thing Lois showed up and tried to get him to see sense. I really liked that the writer remembered that they still love each other.

Liked having one of the villains turn on the others.

Definitely loved that this issue ended with two people who are inspried by Superman. That was the best part.

Have nothing to say about the JSA, Aquaman and Wonderwoman issues I read. They were good, just don't have anything in particular to say.

Batman's breakdown was very painful and emotional. So many things he should have done differently...

Okay, I want to strangle Superboy Prime.

JAIME! My darling adorable Jaime!
And she Shadowpact showing up. Yesss. :D
And Jaime finding the scarab. Yay. :D He's gonna be the blue beetle! :D

One page with Linda and Wally and twins and it was perfect. With Wally being ridiculous but so obviously happy about his twins. The two of them touching, always touching each other. Gods. My ship. <3

Eart-two Superman to our Batman: "You're angry and frustrated. You're lashing out because no one's standing by you."
No... The lashing out is what made people go away. The fact that Batman practically told EVERYONE to leave is why no one is standing by his side. The fact that he said that Superman hasn't inspired anyone since he was dead is why Superman and Batman aren't standing together right now.

And then Themyscira went away and left Diana. Because her destiny lies elsewhere. In a world that hates her for what she has done... I'm sure that was a great decision.

Black Adam surprised that Lex betrayed him... Has no one in the society heard of this guy before? Of course he betrayed you. How have none of these people not caught onto the fact that they are only operating for Luthor, advancing HIS agenda no anyone elses. Of course he'd betray anyone to further his own goals.

Back to Earth-Two Superman saying that none of the events are Bruce's fault... Oh my god. A lot is out of his hands, but fucing hell he should be beating himself up for some of these things because they are either directly or inderectly his mistakes and he needs to take responsibility for those.

"And what about Dick Grayson, is he a better man on your earth?"
"... No."
asgdfgsmfghfshg! Of course he's not. Because DICK! DICK fucking Grayson! Bruce's greatest success was saving that boy and raising him to not be Bruce. Ignoring the fact that I don't belive everyone on Earth-Two could have been better than on this Earth. The fact that Dick is the deciding factor here is the best thing ever. <3 Dick Grayson. Fuck Bruce I wish you'd tell him about this once it's all over. That boy's been very lost lately, he could use to hear that... And also hug him... Man I would actually pay money for a whole issue of nothing but Bruce hugging Dick (and Tim... And Jason. Jason could definitely use a hug or ten).

Aaaaaahhh... Okay none of those final pages were actually very surprising... But still. Awsomeness!

I am loving this. No, seriously, I am to my surprise actually enjoying this event.

comic books, my adventures in the pre-new52

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