Holy crap you're alive, you think. I miss ya' dude. Yeah, there's not a whole lot going down on the eDy front. No bass player at the moment, and more importantly no place to practice. What to do. We'll see what happens I guess. Take it easy man, and we'll see you...in the ditch!
You seem to have evaporated on me. We should call each other. Ah shoot .. the Circus is in town. You should come over and see it. Free admission! But I'll have to put you on clean up duty. You get to sweep up the poo-poo. And, believe me, it's everywhere. Eww 'n stuff.
Btw, Strapping Young Lad = HOLY MOSES! Nice call. "Alien" indeed kicks a male camel's ass.
As Bradley has mentioned, we aren't doing much these days. Just buying time until a practice spot falls on us that's free. But there is another project in the works ...
Comments 2
You have horns. I always suspected as much.
You seem to have evaporated on me. We should call each other. Ah shoot .. the Circus is in town. You should come over and see it. Free admission! But I'll have to put you on clean up duty. You get to sweep up the poo-poo. And, believe me, it's everywhere. Eww 'n stuff.
Btw, Strapping Young Lad = HOLY MOSES! Nice call. "Alien" indeed kicks a male camel's ass.
As Bradley has mentioned, we aren't doing much these days. Just buying time until a practice spot falls on us that's free. But there is another project in the works ...
--Beans and disease.
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