Canon update request?
It spans about half a year (basically all the time from the moment I picked her up to know in comics-land). It covers the following events:
- Negative Zone: Hope gets into a fight with Scott about her team and how they work; Scott, Hope, Dr. Nemesis, and Namor get sent to the Negative Zone with no way out; They split up with Scott and Hope and Nemesis and Namor to find a way out; Namor loses his shit over no water (even in the atmosphere) and Scott and Hope get kidnapped by Blastaar; Blastaar tries to use Scott and Hope to get America to hand over the guy who built the prison in the NZ and Nemesis tries to make a portal home; Steve Rogers comes to save Scott and Hope after Hope's already gotten them out of their cells; Blastaar tries to fight Scott and Rogers but then Namor shows up and is insane but before Hope realizes that she tries to go to Namor and gets blasted in the stomach; Scott and Namor fight and Rogers saves Hope; Nemesis completes the portal and Hope takes Namor's powers and drags him to Earth as Namor tries to strangle her to death; Hope gets Namor to water and then wakes up in the hospital.
- Generation Hope: Saving an awakened mutant pre-birth and helping him come to terms with life (not even kidding), Nearly losing Teon to his family and ultimately winning because of Teon's higher level thinking, Team shenanigans (Kenji and Laurie plotting mutiny, Hope and Gabriel hooking up, Teon submitting to Wolverine, Idie being generally messed up, cool superhero names), being unable to save an awakened mutant resulting in him killing himself after his friends post his transformation live on the internet.
- Uncanny X-Men: Hope gets kidnapped, Logan comes to save her without back up, she gets her legs shot to hell, her nose cut off, and her eye gouged out, but heals thanks to Wolverine's powers, then finds out Wolverine avoids her because he thinks he'll have to kill her one day and she decides if he does not to make it quick but 'to make it sure'.
- Fear Itself: Juggernaut gets possessed by an Asgardian being and rampages in San Francisco, Hope takes on as many powers as possible and still gets beat down and is unconscious for days, Emma tries to smother Hope
- Schism: Scott and Logan attempt to convince the UN to disassemble their Sentinels, Quentin Quire shows up and causes mayhem and everyone in the world installs sentinels, sentinels are old and go haywire and the mutants try to help stop things, Mutant History Musuem is opened and Idie and Laurie attend as well as some X-Men heavy hitters, new Hell-Fire Club shows up and takes out all the heavy-hitters, Scott orders Idie to do what's right while Logan says no, Idie kills about 12-14 men, Hell Fire club reveals a suitcase that turns into a Sentinel and is more powerful and any other Sentinel, the kids are called on to defend Utopia, Scott says yes, Logan says no, they get into a really bad fight, Kids show up and kick Sentinel ass, Logan decides to officially leave the X-Men and go back to Westchester with whoever will come.
- Regenesis: People split up teams, Hope stays with Scott because he has the means to help her with her mission, Scott tries to send Idie away but Hope says no, Laurie pulls a gun and aims it at Hope's head in her bedroom saying that Hope is out of control, Hope just talks about the death of her father and how she wants to do right and cries for the first time, Ultimately decides to make Idie leave with Logan, Laurie and Hope are vaguely mended, Kenji still hates Hope and wants to kill her, Gabriel makes out with Pixie and Hope catches them, Hope asks Pixie to join the team so they never show up late to save a mutant again, Hope is miserable and Teon comforts her.
What does it all mean for Hope?
All that maturity she earned from leading the FD in BN is about to go out the window. She'll still be an effective team leader, but it'll take away some of the social skills she's learned. She'll be more distrusting of the people around her and purposely close herself off to people. She's emotionally unstable and close to losing it at any moment. Like always, she's goal oriented so she uses that as an escape and keeps her emotions locked up. But now she feels she can't even trust her team, so who can she trust? She'll be more vulnerable than ever because of her unstable emotions as well.