LJ Idol: Week 1 - Resolution

Sep 29, 2019 16:54

"Mr. Corley, it is the decision of this board that your outside privileges should be restricted only to excursions with a family member or qualified employee of the Autumn Acres Retirement Community. With the documented rise in your wandering behavior, we feel this is a necessary status change in order to ensure your safety. We will continue to ( Read more... )

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Comments 19

halfshellvenus October 2 2019, 06:23:43 UTC
I feel bad for the poor guy, as cantankerous as he is. You did a great job of conveying his frustration with seemingly ridiculous policies, and then showing us why those policies are in place.

Any why patients-- especially those in memory care-- are not always the best judge of their own competence. :(


rayaso October 2 2019, 15:14:22 UTC
You did a great job presenting a caged old coot and the awful time in life when we begin to lose out to things like dementia or Alzheimer's. You made us really feel for Martin, despite how unpleasant he is. Very good work!


bleodswean October 2 2019, 16:06:21 UTC
This was so well-written! I enjoyed it tremendously despite the sadness of the reality of so many of our elders. You've outdone yourself with this!


beeker121 October 3 2019, 01:08:15 UTC
This is beautifully sad. I've met a few Corleys, you sketched him in wonderfully.


karmasoup October 3 2019, 04:17:59 UTC
Oh my goodness, my dear, what a whirlwind of emotions you've created here. I just want to bundle him up and hug him, poor thing. I wish his daughters were better to him - being gruff doesn't mean he deserves this. Such a tragedy.


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