LJ Idol: Week 2 - Living Rent-Free In Your Head

Oct 06, 2019 19:20

"Why do we call you Black-Headed Grandma? Your hair is all grey!"

Ettis May smiled down at her great granddaughter, sitting beside her on the polka dot chenille couch. The preschooler had been happily coloring beside her while her parents, Ettis' grandson and his wife, sipped sweet tea and chatted about christenings and garden cucumbers and Cousin ( Read more... )

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Comments 12

pixiebelle October 7 2019, 18:41:12 UTC
This was beautiful and written so well, I could feel the pain in Ettis’s words toward the end. Very well done.


sweeny_todd October 7 2019, 23:38:49 UTC
a beautiful blend of sad and happy. loved all the generations as well!


roina_arwen October 8 2019, 04:22:49 UTC
Such a sweet story!


rayaso October 8 2019, 23:09:17 UTC
This was such a wonderful, sweet story. I loved it! Your description of Black-Headed Grandma's voice made me wish I could hear it.


karmasoup October 8 2019, 23:38:02 UTC
I love this. Such a different time, in some respects. You always do such a great job of making the South my parents knew, the falling down past I grew up only touring through - so palpable.


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