So, some people who know me only from LJ may not know this, but this isn't my journal. I just have this account so I can keep a friends list and to post the occasional dumbassery. My real journal is at and I guarantee it will bore you.
yes, but you also aren't updating Novim.Net as often as you used to. Then again I was looking forward to a post regarding Medfordopoly and how dysfunctional and outdated it looked. So what should we do next Hungry Hungry Hippos or Bargain Hunter at the next shindig?
Sandra, your plans for philly are everything I've ever done in philly (aside from repeatedly buying overpriced gaudy jewelery on South Street and hanging out with Vestpocket, my friend, who IS Philadelphia. Therefore, I suggest looking him up). Driving around and looking at murals, and I've been to Reading Terminal, this giant warehouse that holds what seems like hundreds of food stands, including one Amish market and a French food stand that makes crepes right in front of you. Fascinating.
Comments 10
oooh, how sketchy!
Hope you're well.
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