Because your flists are probably filled up with everyone else panicking...
Technically, there isn't batshit we can do about it. Brian's right. We agreed to the ToS, which states that these journals can be baleeted whenever. It's a risk we take. However, their heavy-handed tactics and the sorry way they're going about the whole mess, leave a nasty taste in my mouth that no amount of sweet tea or honey liqueur can cover up.
The sad thing about the interwebs is that our rights are limited here, especially if we have free accounts/blogspace/whathaveyou because it really isn't our server, so it's hard to draw the line. Do we have the right to write porn on someone else's hard drive? No. Do we have the privilege? Yes.
Yes, I agree that the actual kiddieporn and exploitation communities needed to be shut down. However, I don't think it should've taken some secretive private policing website to spark it. I think the admins and abuse team should've been searching for these things and rooting them out a long, long time ago. I don't think any prosecutions will ensue, especially since I'm fairly sure there's no good way to investigate by now and get evidence that will hold up under legal scrutiny, and that makes me sad. Child molestors are just... beyond horrible.
The tactics they employed, especially the "shoot first and ask questions later" bit, piss me off. So a person has a bunch of questionable interests on their profile page. Okay. I don't think that warrants an immediate bannination. Observation and investigation, yes. Banning, no. It is because they were heavy on the delete/ban button that there is a huge outcry, and it is because of this that I am so disgusted and more than a little frightened.
Where will they draw the line with this crap? When the kiddieporn stuff runs out, what else will they start looking for? With the publicity this case has been receiving, will other lunatic "family watch" groups show up demanding that LJ screen for violence, drugs, alcohol, etc?
A death, a loss, and a con. Greeeat. The death deserves its own post, out of respect to the deceased. Far be it from me to lump her memorial in with this crap.
We won't get Motor, though. It's heartbreaking, but I don't want to pull her away from Syd's mom, who's grown so attached to her. We'll get our own kitten, when we get the house. Syd and I have already started discussing it. I still love Motor, though. I'll cry when I see her.
A-kon is almost 36 hours away. W00t. We're putting snaps to the cloak, and about to make my Anbu vest, and our hair is done and ready. Exciteeeeeed.
Because of my latent paranoia over all this crap going on with LJ, especially what I detailed in the last paragraph of my commentary cut, I am archiving my shit and hunkering down. Should they go after drug-related journals, both
met_amphetamine and possibly
met_ylphenidate will be on the list, though if the latter is, I'll probably laugh myself sick at the stupidity and general fuckery of it all. Maybe I'll put a note in my profile saying that both journals refer to the pharmaceuticals Adderall and Ritalin, but I doubt they'd read it :\. Meh.
So, if I get home Monday morning and find this gone, I'll know what happened, and you'll know what happened if it disappears.