Title: Five Things Mike Doesn't Know About Robbie
Pairing: Robbie Rogers/Michael Bradley
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Not real, all fiction. I know nothing about these players.
Author's Notes: Yeah, this is basically my bulletproof OTP. Done in response to a meme, approximately 500 words. For
parka_girl, and in the same verse as
Almost. (
He'd given up on Mike and he wasn't going to beg him for anything again. )
Comments 8
Things from these I love:
>>> He calls Mike in the middle of the night, half because he's bad at figuring out the time zones and half because he wants to see if someone else will pick up.
>>> he wishes Mike would throw him around like he used to.
>>> Robbie's still a little surprised that Mike wanted to stay, wanted him back.
And the last one, just. I suck at feedback and you already know how much I love them, but there you go.
I love it. I'm uncreative and can't think of any other ways to say it, but... I love it!
The part about Mike's little sister cracked me up. XD
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