Title: Visitation
Pairing: JR Celski/Apolo Ohno. Also mentioned: Jordan Malone, Tucker Fredericks
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not real, all fiction, some actual events used for inspiration. I know nothing about these athletes.
Notes: Ficlet for
parka_girl. Post-accident, in hospital. 386 words.
You didn't know anything could hurt as bad as this. You hoped you'd go into shock, or pass out or something, but you didn't, and you felt every bump on the ambulance ride, heard every one of your brother's screams at the driver, and you shut your eyes and clenched his hand tight and prayed, but you didn't really know for what.
And now you're here, wrapped up and drugged up and you're honestly not sure if you'll be able to walk again. There are all kinds of IVs running into your arm and you don't know what everything is, but you don't really care. All you really want is to sleep, and maybe when you wake up you'll be healed, or this will all have been a dream, or something. Something that means that one second on the ice didn't destroy everything you've been working for.
Your parents are there pretty much constantly, and Chris sleeps in your room that first night even though the staff tries to tell him he's not allowed. As soon as you can have visitors, Tucker and Jordan come by, but you're really too tired and too drugged for it, and the three of you talk about anything but short track and Vancouver for about five minutes before it just gets too awkward and they leave. It's the same with everyone else; they visit, it's awkward, and after they leave, you feel worse than before.
You don't expect Apolo to visit at all, to be honest - he has about a million things going at any time, and you don't take it personally. Except that the next day he shows up, right before visiting hours end. You're half-asleep already and even worse company than you normally are (you're fine around everyone else, but Apolo has this ability to bring out your lamest possible self), but somehow it doesn't matter. He stays longer than anyone else, talking about whatever, mentioning Vancouver like he has no doubt you'll be competing there. Somehow it's exactly what you need, challenging and comforting, and you don't even realize it, but you fall asleep while he's still there.
You swear you feel him kiss your forehead just before you hear the door open, but in the morning you think it was probably just a dream.