Title: Pants Pairing: Christoffer Svae/Chris Plys Rating: PG Disclaimer: Not real, all fiction, some actual events used for inspiration. I know nothing about these athletes. Notes: 150 words, response to a meme at my personal LJ.
Re: Paaaaaants!darkestperuMarch 3 2010, 06:16:18 UTC
Did you see that they're retiring the pants? At least they've been immortalized in fic. (Heh, no worries about the cut text, if I got too offended about stuff like that I'd have had to defriend callmecayce about ten times by now. :) )
I didn't see that, but I saw that the pants are technically in violation of Curling Federation (or something) rules. Which may have something to do with their retirement.
(Oh, good. I was pretty bad during the Olympics, too, but mostly it's your short track team I hold the grudge against.)
Comments 6
(Oh, good. I was pretty bad during the Olympics, too, but mostly it's your short track team I hold the grudge against.)
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