I.Name? ---> Camille
II.Place of residence? ---> Kansas
III.Years you have been alive? ---> 23
IV.Top 10 Bands? (I assume you mean metal)
1. Dark Reality (german)
2. In Flames (Clayman and before) (swedish)
3. Thyrfing (swedish)
4. Therion (russian?)
5. Vintersorg (swedish)
6. Tristania (swedish or norwegian..I forget which)
7. EverEve (german?)
8. The Partridge Family. No, but I really really REALLY like "I Think I Love You" and "Point Me In The Direction of Albuquerque" (I cant spell. I know.)
9. I'd say Emperor & Dimmu Borgir, but blasphemy really doesnt do anything for me. However, I CAN appreciate good musicianship.(norwegian)
10. Orphaned Land (israel)
Gotta love them Scandinavians.
V.Who is your favorite and most influential metal performer? And why? ---> I havent been to many shows, hence nothing to compare. Just 'cause an album is good doesnt mean they can perform.
VI.First show ever attended? ---> Ever? Or Metal? Metal would be In Flames
VII.What religion are you (if any) and why? ---> Christian
VIII.Post at least 3 pictures of yourself.