Name/Handle: Matt
Contact: uliekmattkips [aim] or PM
Personal LJ:
setmatch_stripe CHARACTER
Name: Charles Foster Offdensen
Series: Metalocalypse
Canon: OU
Age: About 37
Charles F. Offdensen has always lived a life of mystery, and not in the way a spy would. He leads a life full of compartments, each part of his life kept hidden away from another. After all, who would care about someone's childhood when they're having the boots taken to them? All that is known is Charles is a graduate of Georgetown University Law Center where he was a champion fencer. He also had many secret contacts located in the UN, knowing how to use them for his and the band's own personal gain as most of the world's economy depends on Dethklok.
It is unknown at what point Charles came to become the manager of the international death metal band, Dethklok, but it is most likely he has been with them from almost the start of the band. He is used to their insults, destruction and disruption that they bring about. During his time with the band he has become not only the manager but also their lawyer, CFO and protector. Charles protects the band from slowing record sales to illegal downloaders and assassination attempts or mutilation.
After an attempt on the band's lives during the Dethwater Concert, Charles had the boys sent from the stage in protective pods, going after the two guitarists when they were shot out of the directed path. He encountered the Metal Masked Assassin and shot at him to grab his attention, stating 'That's my bread and butter your fucking with.' It became a battle of hand to hand combat with Charles gaining the upper hand after a few minor blows and a grazing knife wound to his shoulder, breaking the assailant's elbow and stabbing him with his own knife while he still held it before giving him a round-house kick into the river.
The next time we see Charles everything is as it usually is in Mordhaus, the boys needing to do a show and sales slowing as fans committed suicide as they waited for the next big thing from Dethklok. During a benefit show in a hospital filled with maimed Dethklok fans, the Metal Masked Assassin ambushes Charles, disguised as a Klokateer ending with Charles being thrown from a third story window where he landed on his feet with little injury.
Sometime later, with the band growing tired of being left out of the financial and legal aspects of the Dethklok empire, a second manager was hired; Melmord Fjordslorn. As Melmord worked on 'paling around' with the boys, Charles kept close watch over the other man's actions, going so far as to tell him that 'You would have to kill me to get me away from the boys.' During the branding of the gears concert and ceremony, Melmord gathered papers to have the power of management changed from Charles to himself. Upon finding Melmord in the halls of Mordhaus, a duel between the two started and ended on the dragonspire where Charles managed to gain an advantage as Melmord slipped, causing the other man to fall from the spire and land on the train tracks below. He was run over by a train seconds later.
When Melmord 'left' due to him being a 'pedophile' the band was upset over their pal-around friend's departure, Charles offered to 'be that guy too.' He agreed to get 'fucking sloppy' with the boys and he proved he was not the robot the band always claimed him to be. However, when he tried to make a joke to Nathan, it was met with a round of confusion from the boys, even if Nathan had made the same joke a day before during a band meeting.
As a record launch loomed in the background of the band's mind, it was all that was on Charles'. He set up a special forces team, new security around the haus and arranged for Dethklok to hold a secret concert where only he and select Klokateers knew the location. The concert was held in the sky, a perfect setting for the band's biggest release to date and Charles made sure the boys arrived back at the haus together and in one piece.
During the 'douche bag industry party' an attack was launched against Mordhaus. The group was called The Revengencers and they were led by none other than the Metal Masked Assassin. After ordering the boys to safety, Charles launched into attack with the special forces klokateers where he survived most of the deaths that took the special forces down. During a mid-air chase with the Masked Metal Assassin, Charles was shot down by an arrow, fired from a crossbow by a Revengencers member. The assassin went after Charles and began beating him stating he wanted him to stay alive while he tortured him, wanting him to feel the pain while he ran a knife down Charles' left cheek. Nathan knocked the assassin away with a flaming beam stating 'that's my bread and butter you're fucking with,' the very same line uttered by the CFO the last time the assassin tried to kill band members.
The band members all gathered around the motionless manager, staring down at him in confusion, anger and hints of sadness mixing along their features. A viking funeral was held for Charles, the band attending in suits, something they never did.
Nine months passed and the band ran themselves into financial ruin, making poor decisions on personal and professional levels, driving them into bankruptcy. The band members would carry around photos of their departed manager, looking at them and mentioning how they missed the man, but would later recant claiming it was 'gay' to admit to missing Charles.
Dethklok was to put on the most expensive live show history but problems with the record label caused the band to have to renegotiate their contracts. While the band refused, they put on the concert only to be shut down mid-show by the new president of the label. Just as Nathan was about to sign the new contract, the door opened and Charles stood there, informing the boys they had a show to do and he would be there when they finished.
Charles met with to boys back on the Dethkoptor, back in his suit and glasses, hair in place as if nothing had changed but one thing was out of place; Charles had a long scar along the left side of his face, spanning the length from his eyebrow down to the middle of his cheek, left over from the assassin's attack. He informed the band he had been 'dead' for the nine months of his absence but he would have to tell them later why. There was something much bigger out there than he or the band but it was another story for later. They had much work to do.
While the band members have an unnatural tendency to violence, Charles seems to have a cool, calculation method of it. It is shown that despite his 'mild mannered', book mouse type appearance, he harbors a great deal of physical strength, speed, endurance and fighting ability, whether it be close combat fighting, swordsmanship or a proficiency in the use of firearms. All these skills have been shown as Charles single-handedly took out an assassin with his bare hands, dueled with a threat to his 'boys' to the death and survived a fight in which he was thrown from a window.
Charles uses his physical abilities rarely, more often giving orders for torture and execution with the calculating calm of someone who goes through the motions on an almost daily basis. Between taking care of sopenas, paternity suits or claims and making sure his boys are safe, Charles does manage to find a bit of time for himself. He takes his jet for occasional weekends out of town to go golfing with high powered friends, perfectly at ease to tell a guest they can't bring their music legend friend along because he's 'not a fan.'
The CFO of the seventh largest economy in the world is usually babysitting the band that holds that title, keeping them from too much trouble or helping them get out of situations. He does try to advise them against adventures that would waste money or potentially bring them harm though he is usually brushed off, insulted or called a robot. Charles does try to lend a half-hearted ear to the boys but when rejected or pushed aside for some reason he can always be known to say 'Well, for the record, I tried.'
He has proven himself to care when he let Pickles trash his office upon finding out his former band got together without him. Charles did try to comfort Nathan after a bad break up but it ended in him saying his usual line and leaving. He does try. Sometimes. Maybe. If it can benefit him. Well, he does care deep inside, often sticking around the group even after they insult him as he tries to get through to them.
Third-Person Sample:
The Dethphone was dead. Well, it could turn on but nothing came of that. There was a PDA he found in his suit pocket but he thought that a bit dated and reminded him of his early years with the boys. In any case, the PDA was worth trying out.
Charles F. Offdensen had promised not to leave the boys again but here he was, standing in a wasteland of a city. Perhaps he had gotten 'really fucking sloppy' with the boys again and found his way to a town Dethklok had ruined in one of their times of bazar destruction. Ah, well, he'd need to do a PR thing for this all then.
Honestly, he needed to try and curb the boys and their strange paths of ruin. Charles would be paying people off with money he did not have thanks to the rampant and careless spending during his time away.
Fuck... He could feel a headache coming on.
First-Person Sample Journal Post:
[The feed clicks on and a be-speckled man could be seen standing in a city square, face rather blank but an underlying sign of worry in hazel eyes.]
Boys? Can you hear me? I have not, ah, abandoned you... I seem to be, ah, lost. I cannot find any klokateers around, so I fear you are pulling a prank on me or something has gone wrong.
Oh who am I fooling.
[The man lifted a hand to rub the bridge of his nose slowly, eyes closing as a groan escapes him.]
If anyone can hear this; where the fuck am I and where are my boys?