Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words can hurt like hell...

Mar 18, 2004 16:25

I don't even know who i am anymore..The person i once was and the things i once stood for, where did they go? I came here for an education, and that seems to be the last thing on my mind. It's time for some soul searching.

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Comments 10

whatupitsandrea March 18 2004, 13:37:02 UTC
im glad we got to hang out when you were here. i only wish you werent at the gym when we came to ucf. lol

sounds like your having some trouble tho and im sorry for whatevers wrong. hope it gets better soon!



Skeet Skeet metalguy March 18 2004, 16:18:19 UTC
I know, i wanted to go to the beach with you guys. I would have had to miss both my classes the next day though...but i think were going on saturday.


triumphtragedy March 18 2004, 13:40:13 UTC
Reading Lullaby huh? Great book.

Haven't hung out with you in forever. That sucks.


metalguy March 18 2004, 16:19:34 UTC
Yeah i just started reading it, awsesome so far...your to metal to hang out with us now man!


bombsonengland March 18 2004, 14:47:05 UTC
I think college is less about about academics and more about finding out who you acctually are.

I'm kind of glad I now have the freedom to do just that.


metalguy March 18 2004, 16:20:36 UTC
Yeah i know what you mean..but sometimes it's scary when you find out who you actually are.


interpol. azurestraw March 18 2004, 19:36:08 UTC
We should take a trip now to see new places
I'm sick of this town and I've seen my faces change



we should take a trip now to see new places whith March 19 2004, 06:42:56 UTC
i have changed more this past year at school then at any other point in my life. i dont knoe if that sentence makes sense. its really scary and sometmes i wonder what has happened to me. i guess we are supposed to be changing, finding out who we really are, and making mistakes and leanring from them at this point in our lives. we'll all be fine...even better than fine.


Re: we should take a trip now to see new places metalguy March 21 2004, 10:43:53 UTC
lets hope so


you can't change the letters when the ink dries whith March 22 2004, 01:08:31 UTC
i get it


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