The whole CUNY system always has spring break very late in the spring.
Today is my first day of spring break, which means no classes and no teaching, so...
set mem 10m
set more off
use "E:\Applied Microeconometrics\Prof. Deb\Homework Assignment 1\Data - meps89subset.dta", clear
keep duid pid dupersid famidyr cpsfamid region04 msa04 age04x sex racex raceax racebx racewx racethnx hispanx hispcat marry04x educyear ttlp04x taxfrm04
drop if age04x<0
gen chu18=0
replace chu18=1 if age04x<18
egen nchu18=sum(chu18), by (duid famidyr)
list nchu18 in 1/20
egen faminc=sum(ttlp04x), by (duid famidyr)
list faminc in 1/20
//Part a
sum duid pid dupersid famidyr cpsfamid region04 msa04 age04x sex racex raceax racebx racewx racethnx hispanx hispcat marry04x educyear taxfrm04 ttlp04x chu18 nchu18 faminc
//Part b
oprobit taxfrm04 sex racex raceax racebx racewx racethnx hispanx hispcat age04x educyear marry04x msa04 nchu18 faminc
//Part c
mfx, predict (outcome(1))
mfx, predict (outcome(2))
mfx, predict (outcome(3))