canon info / in-game relationships

Apr 25, 2010 19:50

here's my app.

student id: #39412
dorm room: A202


Name: Zell Dincht
Age: 17
Birthday: March 17th
Height: 5'5"??? :(
Fighting style: Martial Arts
Weapon type: Gloves
Equipped Weapon: Ehrgeiz (25 Atk / 103% Hit)

limit breaks

Zell's limit break is called Duel, a series of physical-based attacks that must be executed by inputting the button sequences that appear on the screen before the time limit runs out. You obtain Zell's different limit breaks by collecting a special magazine series called Combat King. As an interesting note, a few of his limit breaks were borrowed from Tifa's limit breaks in FFVII (Dolphin Blow, Punch Rush, Meteor Strike and Final Heaven).

Punch Rush - Inflicts physical damage on one opponent. This is just a series of simple punches.
Booya - Inflicts physical damage on one opponent. More powerful than Punch Rush. Zell draws his head back and then delivers a powerful kick.
Heel Drop - Inflicts physical damage on one opponent. More powerful than Booya. Like the name suggests, this is a drop-kick.
Mach Kick - Inflicts physical damage on one opponent. More powerful than Heel Drop. This is a strong kick to the face.
Dolphin Blow - Inflicts physical damage on one opponent. More powerful than Mach Kick. Zell summons dolphins to come up and bitchslap the enemy with some bubbles. I'm not joking.
Meteor Strike - Inflicts damage equal to 25% of the target's current HP on one opponent. Zell picks the enemy up over his head, jumps up and spikes it on the ground.
Burning Rave - Inflicts physical damage on all opponents. Finishing move. An orb of energy forms around Zell, giving him the power to punch the ground so hard it causes a fissure in the earth which zips up to the enemy and blasts it into the air.
Meteor Barret - Inflicts heavy physical damage on one opponent. Finishing move. Zell forms his own version of the Kamehameha and thrusts it straight through the enemy.
Different Beat - Inflicts heavy physical damage on one opponent. More powerful than Meteor Barret. Finishing move. Zell gathers energy and then rushes the enemy, knocking it into the air over and over by doing some kind of crazy acrobatic backflip-kicks in mid-air, then finally gathers a burst of red energy at his feet and hits the enemy into the ground with them.
My Final Heaven - Inflicts physical damage on all opponents. More powerful than Burning Rave. Finishing move. Zell's most powerful move. He forms another Kamehameha-like orb in his hand, runs a straight line around the circumference of the entire world once, ends up back where he started, then punches the orb through every enemy on the field. No, really. He fucking runs a lap around THE WORLD, then punches them. Like all of his other moves don't show off enough.

guardian forces

I figured I should decide which GFs Zell has obtained through being a cadet and, later, going on SeeD missions. It's required that SeeD cadets obtain at least five before they can become a SeeD, though I'd imagine he picked a couple more up during the course of the game. Sooo after much debate, I decided that Zell would have the following available to him for junction:

Quetzalcoatl - Lightning-based. Its attack is called Thunder Storm. By this time, Quetzalcoatl has learned all of its abilities, which I'll list: Boost, Card, HP-J, Vit-J, Mag-J, Elem-Atk-J, Elem-Def-J (alone and x2), SumMag +10/20/30%, GF HP +10/20%, Mag +20/40% and the refine abilities for Thunder magic, Mid-magic and Cards. Zell rarely junctions this GF as it isn't as strong as others, being one of the default freebie GFs for cadets.

Shiva - Ice-based. Its attack is called Diamond Dust. By this time, Shiva has learned all of its (her?) abilities, which I'll list: Boost, Doom, Str-J, Vit-J, Spr-J, Elem-Atk-J, Elem-Def-J (alone and x2), SumMag +10/20/30%, GF HP +10/20%, Vit +20/40%, Spr +20/40% and the refine ability for Ice magic. Zell rarely junctions this GF as it isn't as strong as others, being one of the default freebie GFs for cadets.

Ifrit - Fire-based. Its attack is called Hellfire. By this time, Ifrit has learned all of its abilities, which I'll list: Boost, Mad Rush, HP-J, Str-J, Elem-Atk-J, Elem-Def-J (alone and x2), SumMag +10/20/30%, GF HP +10/20/30%, Str +20/40%, Str Bonus and the refine abilities for Fire magic and Ammo. Zell junctions Ifrit more often than Quetz and Shiva, though still not as often as others.

Siren - Non-elemental. Its attack is called Silent Voice and sometimes inflicts Silence on the target. By this time, Siren has learned all of its abilities, which I'll list: Boost, Treatment, Mag-J, St-Atk-J, St-Def-J (alone and x2), Move-Find, SumMag +10/20/30%, GF HP +10/20%, Mag +20/40%, Mag Bonus and the refine abilities for life magic, status recovery medicine and tools. Zell never uses Siren. She's pretty useless. He's probably forgotten he even has her.

Brothers - Earth-based. Their attack is called Brotherly Love. By this time, the Brothers have learned all of their abilities, which I'll list: Boost, Defend, Cover, HP-J, Str-J, Spr-J, Elem-Atk-J, Elem-Def-J, SumMag +10/20/30%, GF HP +10/20/30%, HP +20/40/80% and HP Bonus. Zell junctions Brothers fairly often, though it isn't his favorite to use. He'll keep Brothers on when he doesn't need the big guns.

And those are all the GFs he obtained before becoming a SeeD. Afterward, he obtained a couple other GFs.

Cerberus - Non-elemental. Its attack is called Counter Rockets, which isn't really an attack but instead a spell that casts Double and Triple on the party. Cerberus has learned all of its attacks except for the GF HPs, the Status junctions and Alert. In other words, Cerberus knows: Str-J, Mag-J, Spr-J, Spd-J, Hit-J, Ability x3, Spd +20/40%, Auto-Haste and Expendx2-1. Zell uses Cerberus very often and it's his second-favorite summon, mostly because it makes him fast as a motherfucker. Besides strength, speed is the attribute Zell relies on most heavily.

Bahamut - Non-elemental. Its attack is called Mega Flare. Bahamut, being fairly new, has only learned half of its abilities. It knows the following: Boost, Ability x4, Mug, Str +60%, Mag +60%, Auto-Protect and the refine ability for forbidden magic. Zell uses Bahamut the most out of all of his GFs, considering it his strongest ally. It's his favorite GF to junction because it gives a hefty bonus to his strength and when junctioned along with Ifrit's strength-enhancing abilities, Zell's attack power becomes quite deadly. Add Cerberus's speed junction and abilities to the mix and you've got an overpowered Zell on your hands.

And that's all for Zell's GF list. When Zell's just out and about, fighting in the Training Center and such, Zell often only keeps Ifrit and Brothers junctioned for the extra strength and HP. When Zell's on missions or in need of more power, Zell keeps Brothers, Cerberus and Bahamut junctioned for massive HP, speed and strength, adding Ifrit when the situation is dire enough to need him to hit even harder. Zell is pretty happy with the GFs he already has, though he wouldn't be opposed to collecting more in the future.

moar info coming soon.



















8| no.

you're weird, man.

you're okay.

you're cool, dude.


i subtly check you out.


gone/went home

handy dandy guide to zell's relationships:
8| no.: zell does not like you. you must have done something terrible to deserve this. get out.
you're weird, man.: something about you set zell's warning signs off. he may be wary of or distrust you. further investigation is required.
you're okay.: zell hasn't had a whole lot of conversation with you. if he meets up with you again/finds out more about you, you'll probably change out of here.
you're cool, dude.: zell knows enough about you to know you'd get along. you're either his friend or he thinks you could eventually be a friend.
BROS 4 LYFE: you're in his posse. all of his good friends go here.
i subtly check you out.: this one's probably obvious. you've attracted zell's attention in a way that could lead to awkward flirting and/or him getting a little flustered.
I'M NOT BLUSHING.: ohhhh someone has a crush.

canon info, relationships

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