I'm looking for anyone willing to partake in a little trade.
For trade: my neighbours
Condition: slightly used
Description: energetic, boisterous, outgoing & social, adventurous, like-new, music lovers, fearless when it comes to fire and liquid, adaptable
Looking for: your neighbours, O.B.O.
For trade: my neighbours
Condition: worn out it's welcome
Description: loud and noisy, they party too often (every single day this week, from last Saturday to this Saturday) and long into the night with music blasting, they've roped in the new neighbours to the other side of them into joining them in their partying, they smoke constantly (both the legal stuff and illegal stuff), they're booze hounds, they get into arguments often after too many drinks, and I don't think finding new surroundings would stop them from picking up from where they left off.
Basically, I've grown to hate them. Even their innocent little kid has crossed into the "annoying" territory.
In the beginning, to be neighbourly, we'd offer him (the kid), every so often, a couple of cookies or a juice box or a healthy-type snack, which I'm sure he loved because he never turned it down. Now, it's like he expects it, and, he'll boldly leave his house, march over to my front door, ring the bell and ask for something to eat. You know, if it were once in a while, that would be kind of cute, but it's not cute when he does it just about every time he catches a glimpse of anyone entering or leaving the house or wandering around in the yard or driveway.
It's at the point where we just say, "tell your daddy to go buy some groceries and snacks for you".
Yes, I know it's mean(ish), but it's time to pull the brakes on the gravy train.
Looking for: basically anything that falls in the range of 500 year old grannies to vampires