Star Trek was made of win and awesome.
I had originally been skeptical about the notion of what appeared to be Star Trek "
to the extreme, dude!" but the early reviews were good and I figured it would be fun, so whatever.
Let's just say I went with a group that represented hard-core Trek fans (one in costume), casual Trek fans (like myself) and one non-fan, and we all loved it. The massive, sold-out audience in the giant "Ultrascreen" theater applauded at the end. There were, of course, all sorts of allusions, in-jokes, and even subversions, which are mandatory but also fun. I tend to have a lot of "I liked it okay, but..." reactions to movies, but I don't have a bad thing to say about this one. They did everything right.
I think the last time I walked out of a movie theater so pleased was when I saw Iron Man.