
Apr 10, 2006 11:02

wtf? )

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Comments 19

sippin40z April 11 2006, 02:39:27 UTC
haha! same thing happened to me! and also a long long time ago i used to get endless shit for my side bangs (HOW DO YOU SEE WITH JUST ONE EYE? SOMEONE MESS UP WHILE CUTTING YOUR BANGS?) but now everyone and their mother has them


metallicblue April 11 2006, 16:20:49 UTC
YEAH. Sideswept bangs just don't look good on some people. Just 'cause it's trendy doesn't mean it's always flattering, geesh. This is parallel to leggings on stick legs.


_your_laurenza_ April 12 2006, 16:03:18 UTC
haha! that made me LOLLLLLLLLL. ;-)


anonymous April 12 2006, 15:53:36 UTC
I wear internet pants.
-that tall kid


metallicblue April 13 2006, 04:33:21 UTC
I love you Jason


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