I do. I think there's something that they need help with. Or to work on. My husband was an inmate here, before we got involved. And a very good friend of mine, one of the bravest people I ever knew came aboard as an inmate as well.
I knew him before he'd come aboard.
Most people wouldn't chose this for themselves, but they're here because they need to be, even if we don't understand why.
Coordinator Narvin of the Celestial Intervention Agency.
I see Agent K already explained the criteria for wardens and inmates. Sometimes it's a very fine line indeed between them.
As for the ship, I believe what we do in situations like this is hope it doesn't crash or leave us drifting powerless through space. The engineering crew monitor and do basic repairs, but the real workings of the ship are inaccessible. Whatever's happening, our techs can't fix it.
A few of us are working on ways to disable the T-X in case it should become necessary. In my spare time I've been working on constructing a virus that could be transmitted at distance, perhaps over the network using her optical sensors as an infiltration point. But since I don't know anything about her code beyond that it originates from Earth, it's been a difficult process filled with more guesswork than I'm happy with.
Kay's got it pretty well covered. And I wouldn't worry too much about the ship, we've been through a lot of crazy stuff in the ten or so months I've been here, and everything's always gone back to normal eventually.
Some of the more ridiculous things that have happened have been an inmate trying to escape - last January, an Aztec goddess summoned her siblings and tried to escape, it was pretty much a blood bath - but some of it, there's never any real explanation for.
Well, even if the rest of it's startin' to look a little less than up to specification, the engines are still running smoothly, and Tosh, myself and the rest of the engine room crew will be sure to let the rest of you know if that changes.
Comments 190
And Kay's filled you in. Then there's wardens who were inmates before too.
How does that work?
I think you need to have something that will help with the redemption of an inmate. I also think there's a right inmate for each person.
I'm sure I sound like a broken record. Do you think people brought here as inmates generally deserve to be inmates?
[ He's still struggling with the disparity between 'held against their will without trial' and 'existential opportunity'. ]
I knew him before he'd come aboard.
Most people wouldn't chose this for themselves, but they're here because they need to be, even if we don't understand why.
I see Agent K already explained the criteria for wardens and inmates. Sometimes it's a very fine line indeed between them.
As for the ship, I believe what we do in situations like this is hope it doesn't crash or leave us drifting powerless through space. The engineering crew monitor and do basic repairs, but the real workings of the ship are inaccessible. Whatever's happening, our techs can't fix it.
That's comforting.
Agent K shortlisted you as someone to talk to concerning workarounds to disable the T-X.
[ This conversation is now unlocked to Narvin. ]
I can get you neural net maps and codes from other models from the same AI.
Some of the more ridiculous things that have happened have been an inmate trying to escape - last January, an Aztec goddess summoned her siblings and tried to escape, it was pretty much a blood bath - but some of it, there's never any real explanation for.
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