A conversation with Jen (who loves Jane Austen)

Jul 27, 2005 16:05

metalspork13: HA i love your

[Jen's profile: "No, I have not brought a card of invitation. I do not even know whether I recieved one. I have not come to a social function; I do not seek to scrape acquaintance with Lady Celia; I do not want my photograph in the Tatler; I have not come to exhibit myself. I have come to see the pictures. Perhaps you are unaware that there are any pictures here. I happen to have a personal interest in the artist- if that word has any meaning for you."]

pirateoboe: Yeah, I do too. Thanks
metalspork13: it's WONDERFUL
pirateoboe: do you know where its from
metalspork13: i'm guessing it's something jane austen related
pirateoboe: wrong wrong wrong
metalspork13: really?
pirateoboe: and wrong again darling
metalspork13: aw
metalspork13: then enlighten me
pirateoboe: hold on, I have to point out for what reason it isn't jane
metalspork13: all right then
pirateoboe: It has the word photograph in it
pirateoboe: you freak
metalspork13: damn
pirateoboe: they didn't have photos in the early 1800s
metalspork13: i KNOW
pirateoboe: WELL THEN
pirateoboe: its not Jane Austen is it?
metalspork13: I GUESS NOT
pirateoboe: Actually, it's Evelyn Waugh's Brideshead Revisted
pirateoboe: I love love love that book
metalspork13: you're funny

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