Detriot Chicago Minneapolis

Jul 29, 2007 19:01

The Detriot show was a kind of shitty day. Not all together but the outcome was bad. We were at the tiger’s stadium that day, which is a pretty tight venue in regard to security. So, everywhere I went my All Access pass was questioned. Once we were set up inside (may I add that our spot was really close to the truck and was little to no hassle to ( Read more... )

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Comments 11

xdeadxendsx July 30 2007, 13:53:49 UTC
METAL!!! I miss you already. How was the pie??? Have fun on the rest of the tour. And find a Red Lobster :)
<3 Randi


metalthebrand August 2 2007, 15:07:01 UTC
I'm watching the bridge stuff on CNN. Weird, eh? Horrible in fact. THere has been no red lobster but i've been having fun. I'm just waiting for today to be over. I hate Cleveland.


xdeadxendsx August 3 2007, 00:30:48 UTC
It's insane... considering I was over that way all weekend and everything.
Well I hope your day goes better...

Oh and we totally have to talk soon... about stories and myspace and things we were talking about (if you remember) Oh and did you get my video and message about possibly going to Cali and the Carson Warped???

Anyway, I'll talk to you later!!

<3 Randi


smooveazz August 1 2007, 08:06:52 UTC
Fuck that new Mario Party. I think it's 90 percent luck to win now.

I still dominate in mini games, but barely whoop on friend's asses any longer.


metalthebrand August 2 2007, 15:09:02 UTC
It's better than mario party 2 only because of the mini games. The boards are too simplified. I like it all around though.

I'm in Cleveland today. I miss you.


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