Title: When Exploitation Is Perfectly Acceptable
Fandom(s): Supernatural
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Summary: E/O challenge word: Ridiculous. Sam may be a pain in the ass, but as far as Dean’s concerned, he sure beats buying a calculator.
When Exploitation Is Perfectly Acceptable
It’d started when Sam was in second grade, when he still asked Dean for help. Except in math. Never math. It was ridiculous, really. Granted, then it wasn’t advanced math, but as Sam got older, Dean decided that his freakish mastery of the subject-which to Dean is practically a foreign language-should be exploited.
“Sam!” he yells as he sullenly does his algebra.
“What?” Sam shouts back from the shower.
“What’s the sum of five, thirteen, forty-five, nine, two-fifty, and eighty-eight?”
His brother may be a pain in the ass, but he sure beats buying a calculator.