Title: From Every Depth of Good and Ill Fandom(s): A Song of Ice and Fire Rating: G Word Count: 1,020 Summary: He doesn’t believe in the capricious old gods of the North, but as the wind howls, it’s them and not his own that seem to urge him, Wrong wrong wrong. You’ve been warned. Author’s Notes: Response to this prompt.
Title: At First Sight Fandom(s): A Song of Ice and Fire Rating: G Word Count: 220 Summary: He knows what people whisper about her. He also knows they’re wrong. Author’s Notes: Response to this prompt.
Title: Crown of Thorns Fandom(s): Beauty and the Beast Rating: G Word Count: 1,425 Summary: He’s already cursed by this castle, by these responsibilities he’d never wanted thrust upon him-why would she curse him further? What could she possibly do to him? Author’s Notes: Response to this prompt.
Title: Of All Words of Tongue and Pen Fandom(s): A Song of Ice and Fire Rating: G Word Count: 2,728 Summary: They say Ser Arthur Dayne is the epitome of chivalry and grace. They neglect to mention his secrets.
Title: Let Stormy Clouds Chase Fandom(s): Leverage Rating: G Word Count: 703 Summary: She likes him and he likes her and Parker just doesn’t understand why he keeps pulling away. Author’s Notes: Response to this prompt.
Title: Stop, Passenger, As You Pass By Fandom(s): A Song of Ice and Fire Rating: PG Word Count: 610 Summary: Hush now, my dear. I have come to take you home. Author’s Notes: Response to this prompt.
Title: Say Something (I’m Giving Up On You) Fandom(s): A Song of Ice and Fire Rating: PG Word Count: 1,372 Summary: She doesn’t ask him for flowers anymore. Author’s Notes: Response to this prompt.
Title: Daddy’s Little Girl Fandom(s): A Song of Ice and Fire Rating: G Word Count: 300 Summary: Don’t cry, my little princess. Papa loves you. Author’s Notes: Response to this prompt.
Title: Build-A-Date Fandom(s): The Hunger Games Rating: G Word Count: 1,666 Summary: “You work at Build-A-Bear and I’m a single parent of a six-year-old who adores Build-A-Bear” AU Author’s Notes: Response to this prompt.
Title: No Name Fandom(s): A Song of Ice and Fire Rating: G Word Count: 63 Summary: The Others are at his door and Westeros is in chaos, and finding out who his real parents are is maybe the worst of it all. Author’s Notes: Response to this prompt.