My throat is on fire and I'm fairly certain I've consumed my daily dose of calories- in coughdrops alone.
In other news, Wisconsin FAILED this last voting process. Not going to get into it other than that it's probably quite telling that I dreamed of going to the Netherlands and never coming back. It was a good dream.
And on another positive note (can't sleep, got sick again):
I have a desk kitty. And I adore how all I have to do is look at her, and she begins to purr. Little paws and tail tucked under her like chicks beneath a mother hen. Fluffed out cute.
Pulling on a new (used) shirt. Doing my hair up a little. And ready to rock work. Not really. But fake it till you make it. I only wish I had a little lunch to bring with me.
Thanks for the love, yo.
*Take the fancy occasion dinner better late than never. I stupidly got shoes.