(no subject)

Jun 11, 2009 22:03

velocityofsound has been having some interesting dreams:

Oh and here's a little life advice for you. Do not watch genocide-themed Star Trek TOS episodes before bed. Because you'll have weird-ass dreams where you find out that everyone in your town is going to be ~exterminated~, so you leap into action and try to rally your neighbors into running. (Logical, amirite?) But they're all like "Oh okay, let me just set my TiVo first" and "What should I pack? Do you think I'll need these earrings?" Then Khan shows up with a shotgun (IDK), and says something to the effect of "Should I eliminate these people?" and Dream You will have a hard time coming up with reasons why he shouldn't lay waste to all of them, thus exposing the evil despot tendencies within yourself that you were previously unaware of. JUST SAYING.

Context keeps phasers set on stun.
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