I remember the outrage at the first spam. Two shyster lawyers from Back East rolled into town one day, put up their shingle - "Canter & Siegel", that was their names - and papered Main Street with their dad-gum flyers about green cards. We strung 'em up right quick, of course, but more followed...
Comments 40
Perhaps I'll make one for one of my Sims, who is in some bizzare world of Harry Potter meets Dynasty.
I remember the outrage at the first spam. Two shyster lawyers from Back East rolled into town one day, put up their shingle - "Canter & Siegel", that was their names - and papered Main Street with their dad-gum flyers about green cards. We strung 'em up right quick, of course, but more followed...
Why, back in my day, if you encountered a troll you reached for your dice, and you knew how many sides you needed!
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