LaVoie, Chris J says:
yeah - i hate that
Dunn, Steven A says:
you know what I hate? prehistoric
LaVoie, Chris J says:
LaVoie, Chris J says:
hate sharks....period
Dunn, Steven A says: Dunn, Steven A says:
you know what I love? Not sending
troops to Iraq
Dunn, Steven A says:
and yeah, I don't like sharks,
Dunn, Steven A says:
except in an aquarium
Dunn, Steven A says:
when I'm on land, looking in,
without any leaning over where I could possibly fall into a tank
Dunn, Steven A says:
You know what would be a messed up
way to die? If a shark broke through one of those tanks that sit above you, and
then when it fell on you it freaked out and then ripped you to shreds as it
suffocated in the air
Dunn, Steven A says:
You ever get into gloomy,
death-obsessed moods?
Dunn, Steven A says:
I do, and it freaks me out
Dunn, Steven A says:
I've been in one for the past week
Dunn, Steven A says:
I need to go dancing or something
Dunn, Steven A says:
Clerks 2 didn't break the spell (not
least of all because there's a strong religious theme that runs through the
LaVoie, Chris J says:
been told i should see that
Dunn, Steven A says:
it's okay
Dunn, Steven A says:
the first one wasn't that good, imho
Dunn, Steven A says:
and this one is probably a bit worse
Dunn, Steven A says:
but if you're a kevin smith groupie,
you'll eat it up
Dunn, Steven A says:
Dunn, Steven A says:
but personally, I'm not
Dunn, Steven A says:
he's made one good film - Chasing
Dunn, Steven A says:
which was a shame, because he never
followed up on it
Dunn, Steven A says:
if he had only made movies I thought
were bad, then I could consider him a bad director
Dunn, Steven A says:
but he doesn't - he made a string of
bad films and then a very good film and went back to even worse films
Dunn, Steven A says:
Dunn, Steven A says:
He really failed to make the
necessary transformation into an honest and genuine voice of a certain segment
of society
Dunn, Steven A says:
His work speaks from, and to, a
group that are huge film watchers, but otherwise ignored in filmic
Dunn, Steven A says:
his films remind me of my brother
and his friends, and the dorky cultural milieu in which I grew up
Dunn, Steven A says:
they were big among my HS friends,
who were also the same sort of characters
Dunn, Steven A says:
Kind-natured, clever but not
exceptionally smart, geeky, obsessed, bad with women, go out to townie bars,
unhip, devoted to one another, lovers of movies and comic books, unable to
escape their HS years, going nowhere in their jobs or love lives; his work
really spoke to me then, in terms of both my past and my present (though not my
present present)
Dunn, Steven A says:
i feel he took the easy way out with
his gifts
Dunn, Steven A says:
he could have been the geek poet
laureate, justifying a whole swath of society in the eyes of the others
Dunn, Steven A says:
and imbuing them with humanity and
Dunn, Steven A says:
instead he made a film where a
pothead battles Luke Skywalker with a lightsaber bong
Dunn, Steven A says:
Dunn, Steven A says:
oh, well