I don't even want to think ahout how many thousands of words of fic I have read in this fandom in the past few months. It would put War and Peace to shame.
Vid recs
Born This Way by The Warp Zone
If you have ever thought that Lady Gaga's "Born This Way" would be the perfect mutant anthem, well, so did this guy, who donned his Magneto costume, picked up his guitar, and recorded this parody. A
music video also exists.
There! Right There! by TIzumis
"Is he gay, or European?" The eternal paradox of Erik Lehnsherr, via Legally Blonde: The Musical.
Charles Xavier in Charge by Psychi
Possibly only amusing if you like '80s sitcoms starring Scott Baio. (Which I do. Unashamedly.)
X-Ponies: First Class by JHaller2
The "My Little Pony" version of the
XMFC trailer, aka "Pinkamina's School for Gifted Fillies".
Fic recs
No Yesterdays On the Road by pocky_slash
Charles is kidnapped. Erik and Moira are forced to work together to find him. Cue road trip. Or as the author describes it: "Erik and Moira Drive Across the Country and Talk About Their Feelings." Lovely, long, and plotty, with some great character interactions. Erik trying to be a substitute leader to the children is just awww, and Moira shines the way she should have in the movie, insightful and unflinching and awesome.
Of kittens and teacups and love by Ren
College AU in which Charles and Erik are flatmates. The author says: "The first thing I said after watching the movie was BUT WHY COULDN'T THEY STAY FRIENDS AND LIVE TOGETHER HAPPILY AND ADOPT KITTENS." If you thought the same thing, then you will probably like this story.
i guess i should say thanks or some shit by zarathuse
Modern AU in which, as the author says, "Charles and Erik douche it up in Amsterdam". Charles "what drinking problem" Xavier uses his telepathy to avoid parking fines. Erik "not really stealing" Lehnsherr sucks at being a bartender. They are rather engaging despite being kind of morally dubious slackers.
Perfection by orange_crushed
The author describes this as: "Erik, Charles, literature and existence. But really: obligatory will-they-won't-they mansion fic." Subtle and beautiful.
The best things in life are blue by oddegg
Calvin and Hobbes fusion! Raven lives with her stuffed animal best friend, Hank, and her two long-suffering dads, Charles and Erik. Just as warm and fuzzy as it sounds.
La Habana by Clocks
The summary is: "In Old Havana, a helmet sits in the display window of an antique shop." The story of a legend.