Still catching up on posting about stuff from a while back.
Not exactly a review, just thoughts and reactions.
I was hyped when I heard Sarah Connor was back. I was hyped when Linda Hamilton herself was playing her. I was hyped when the trailer came out.
I was not disappointed.
Those first five minutes though! It was great to see Edward Furlong - and then, yeah. I know this movie is supposed to be a direct sequel to the first two Terminator movies, disregarding all the films in between. But as far as I'm concerned, T1 and T2 are my only real canon and the true happy ending. (I mean, I loved Terminator: Genisys as well, but it's firmly in AU territory for me.)
Anyway, that said, I was ready to roll with the rest of it. Loved the action and drama and tension. Loved Grace with her awesome athleticism and loyal protectiveness. Loved Sarah Connor being her laconic badass self, though my heart ached for her loss (in this very definitely AU version of her life). Loved Rev-9 and his terrifying split into two forms. A very menacing opponent.
Loved Dani being the future leader of the human resistance, not simply the mother of the future leader. My only quibble is that her future self should have been played by an older actress. It felt really jarring to pan over to her looking exactly the same, and hardly even much older than young Grace. And the inspirational speech she gave just fell flat, both in the writing and the delivery. It might have been more effective to just leave her unseen - maybe a hand reaching down to help up young Grace, with her figure silhouetted against the light.
Arnie was there too. I guess he was okay? I like it whenever the T-800 allies itself with the heroes - like in T2 and Genisys - but I just can't get over this one killing John Connor. I mean, come on.
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