squall is being a boy... excuse him >_>'lion_grieverFebruary 7 2009, 08:07:07 UTC
Right... if you say so. I'd double check on that, if I were you.
Yeah... I'm sure she would be the first one to start helping you plan. Then my room would turn into her personal ground zero for pattern-picking and whatever else women look at.
your tags need to mate with mine and have crack babiesnot_so_curiousFebruary 7 2009, 04:49:58 UTC
You may have mine, if you wish! I have not yet tried them, but if you like them so very much, they are yours.
...L? You are a darling and a dear, and I love you very much, more than anyone else, and if you were a zombie I would willingly give you my brain to eat and treasure, and I am very grateful to your exercise in restraint in crossing out that last sentence, but I must ask...
Are you on a sugar-high?
Also, was my last name changed to Lawliet while I wasn't looking? Instead of Liddell? Or... would you like me to become Alice Lawliet?
XD Oh God, this is fantastic. Poor Alice. XDmeticulous_greyFebruary 7 2009, 16:34:47 UTC
Try them, they are amazing! I left some outside your door, because that one maid has been feeding them to me nonstop and I now have extra! The hearts all say "eat me", I did that especially for you. <3
I am NOT high! I just want to BELLOW my love for you to this entire world!!! Because You are my sunshine, my out sunshine! You make me happy when skies are grey! You'll never know dear how much I love you, so please don't take my sunshine awaaaay!!!"
Alice tried the candies. >>;; Wedding planning is a go.not_so_curiousFebruary 7 2009, 19:29:07 UTC
You are so sweet, and so clever. They said "eat me", so I ate one! It was lovely! I am ecstatic! The world is a bright and beautiful bauble with which I wish to gift you!
I sound my prophetic YAWP unto the world! YAWWWWP! I love this man! This man right here! ♥
Okay! Let's get married! Ah, Valentine's Day will be so wonderful this year... I have a fiance! This is great! This is so great! I will absolutely take your last name! When do you want to get married?
Oooh, I bet the loincloth is very sexy and profoundly ironic. Allow me to pull down one of the curtains and join you in your prehistoric romping!
Comments 22
When did you two get married? Celena's going to be upset that she wasn't invited...
Like I said, if you want more you can have mine...
Tell Celena she'd be the first to know, anyway.
Yeah... I'm sure she would be the first one to start helping you plan. Then my room would turn into her personal ground zero for pattern-picking and whatever else women look at.
I miss you so!
Seems like it's been forever, that you've been gone!
...L? You are a darling and a dear, and I love you very much, more than anyone else, and if you were a zombie I would willingly give you my brain to eat and treasure, and I am very grateful to your exercise in restraint in crossing out that last sentence, but I must ask...
Are you on a sugar-high?
Also, was my last name changed to Lawliet while I wasn't looking? Instead of Liddell? Or... would you like me to become Alice Lawliet?
I confess it has a certain ring to it...
I am NOT high! I just want to BELLOW my love for you to this entire world!!! Because You are my sunshine, my out sunshine! You make me happy when skies are grey! You'll never know dear how much I love you, so please don't take my sunshine awaaaay!!!"
Let's get married!
I found a loincloth! I'm a scrawny caveman.
I sound my prophetic YAWP unto the world! YAWWWWP! I love this man! This man right here! ♥
Okay! Let's get married! Ah, Valentine's Day will be so wonderful this year... I have a fiance! This is great! This is so great! I will absolutely take your last name! When do you want to get married?
Oooh, I bet the loincloth is very sexy and profoundly ironic. Allow me to pull down one of the curtains and join you in your prehistoric romping!
I'm so thrilled! I might spontaneously combust. YAWP? *tries it* YAAAAWWWP?
Pull down both curtains, if you'd like. ^^ Ami gave me the loincloth, maybe she has one for you too!
We should go ring shopping soon. :D
Since when have you been married?
I think he meant to say "Liddell" and just... slipped?
That's a very specific slip.... I guess he really really likes you?
It is reciprocal, that way. ♥
Perhaps he wishes to marry me?
I will have to ask him, and see.
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