Ktrey, Steve and yours truly will be in indianapolis from Monday the 27th to thursday or friday... digits, specific events, and any times you're free to see an old friend should be communicated to me posthaste.
i will turn up, like the proverbial bad penny, in indy at the end of june. as i've no intention of leaving calling-cards, clear your calenders now or be sans candace for at least another year...
amid the moil of our month-long relocation frenzy, i seemed to have injured a portion of my anatomy that should, realistically, only be utilized while performing interpretive dance. age has taught me that the human animal has entirely too many points of articulation to abuse.
i'm a bad friend and an awful daughter. it's not the maiden voyage of the h.m.s. guilt, it's just the first time i've not needed reminding on the part of an outside party.
it's official....after shelling out $210.00 for the most expensive sticker on hell's half-acre, beatrice is now mostly legal. in other elucidating car news: not only is she perfectly ticket-proof sans seat belts, reverse lights were also an option that, at the time, the original owners deemed a pointless luxury....