Mmm, Friday Night Nerdery.

Aug 27, 2005 04:30


Oh my heart, Kaylee brings the shame like no one else. I did that icon pairings thing and forgot to post it, and I lucked into Kavanah/Kaylee. She would totally make him cry like a little girl, and it would be beautiful.

Also: I continue to adore Jayne.

Also also: Simon and River kind of broke my brain. Like a lot. Though Simon's big damn crush on Mal continues to be obvious, his disturbing/daaw-inducing/suddenly-the-dirty-dirty-icons-make-so-much-SENSE devotion to his little sister makes my previous 'shippy thoughts shrivel into nothing. (Well, almost. I will still devour any and all Mal/Simon once I'm done watching.)

Daaaaaaaawww, patches! *nub* Uh... Should I recognize the woman working with Baal, or is she a female clone of him, or what? I had other thoughts about this episode, but they mostly revolved around "Teal'c, doooo meeee!" *siiigh*

Also: If they go the canonically consummated (outside of crack AUs) Jack/Sam place I will be sad, because against all attempts to just be in it for the porn, I am totally in *heart* with Jack/Daniel, and they neeeeeeed to grow ever more old and grumpy together.

*thwack!* *nub*

Rodney: If we kill the Wraith, you'll never have to do chores again!
Kid: Riiiilllllly???
Rodney: Well, yes! ...what was I doing? Oh right, off I go to leave your family to deal with the small monster I just created.

Also also: "Am I bothering you?" Please to continue to fail to deal with having kissed each other.

I had to ignore the actual plot of this episode to remain sane, because It Don't Work Like That, but if I remember to turn off my brain /before/ the ep starts, next next week is going to be hella amusing.

Am now kind of wondering what parent/child Wraith relationships are like. If individuals live for thousands of years on a limited food supply, it seems likely to me that they'd have come to view offspring as unwanted competition. Maybe they only mate when they're getting so old that no matter how much they feed they'll be dying soon? This could be why the villagers had such a seemingly easy time killing them, wounded or no. (But then I think Wait, if they're too aged to heal, their sperm/egg/whatever cells are probably in no better shape, so their kids will all have the Wraith equivalents of Down's and the like, and I give up and go read porn.)

Holy crap is this show predictable. Not in the Groan, I can see where this is going and it ain't pretty way, no no no, but in the Dude, if [totally awesome things] happened, this episode would be fucking perfect and then they do! way. This was the most emotionally satisfying episode of /anything/ I've seen in a long, long, longlong time.

Also: "I'm not crazy!" reduced me to tears of joy. Please, show, stop making me hope you could be my new Babylon 5.

friday night nerdery

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