My own personal reactions regarding some things that went down in tonight's season finale of Smallville, and the status of my muse.
I'm not happy. I'm far from happy. And I'm not even sure what to do here. There were so many things in tonight's episode that I didn't like, but the treatment of Jimmy was probably what bothered me, and hurt me, as a mun to a Jimmy muse.
I'll be honest. When he first showed up on Smallville, I kind of a hated him. I thought OMG WHAT A DOOFUS. And naturally, I wasn't too happy because I happily ship Chloe and Clark together, and didn't want anyone getting in the way of that, especially not some dorky little guy like that. And for quite a while, Jimmy annoyed me. I didn't like him. I complained about his age, and joked there was some secret conspiracy and that he had some mysterious brother no one knew about. I never knew I'd turn out to be right. But there was something else I also didn't know. I never knew I'd end up liking him.
I didn't like him with Chloe. Not one bit. But when I noticed, when I saw him trying to be friends with Clark, trying to fill the Superman's Pal role, I liked him. He seemed more a little more like the Jimmy Olsen I grew up with. I remember Jimmy some from the comics, but I grew up with the Jimmy on Lois & Clark. Justin Whalin's portrayal of Jimmy was the standard for me. When Jimmy was Chloe, I didn't see Superman's Pal. I saw an annoying little dork.
But as time passed, I grew to like Jimmy. I didn't want him with Chloe, but I liked him, as character, when he wasn't all over her and wasn't pimping the life out of another pairing. (Won't say which.) I liked him, just being the nosy photographer, Clark's future friend. And after Turbulence aired, I was amazed. To me, he acted more like the Jimmy I was familiar with, the Jimmy Olsen I loved. He had become MY Jimmy Olsen. I expected a lot for upcoming plotline for him. Redemption arc, maybe, after the drug addiction storyline. Him getting his life back on track after his divorce.
But tonight, all that kind of got shattered. Jimmy Olsen is no more. Jimmy Olsen died, protecting his ex-wife, the woman he still loved. And, I guess, according to Smallville, Jimmy Olsen never really was Jimmy Olsen. There's a strong implication that an out-of-nowhere little brother is the real Jimmy Olsen, and Henry James "Jimmy" Olsen was a fake. But in my eyes, that little boy, who conveniently wore a bow tie and ended up with Jimmy's camera, will never be the real Jimmy Olsen. The real Jimmy Olsen is dead, and he died a hero.
As for my Jimmy's status, as I said, I'm not sure what to do here. I've never had a muse that died, and didn't magically return to life. I still have the muse in my head, and so many ideas for what to do with him, but I'm not sure. Canon!verse Jimmy is gone, for sure, and the one in the Genesis!verse would need some major reworking. I'm just not sure what I can do with Jimmy yet. I don't have the heart to delete the journal. We'll see what happens.