😇 Yes, I've got the site for another two months so grab while you can. They are big files. Hard to wetransfer at the free rate of 2GB a shot. You might have to sign up but it's a completely legit business. I used it for work.
Yes, I know you love your podfics. 🥰 On the fic page I've also got a ton of SPN videos saved too.
I've got the site for another two months so grab while you can. They are big files. Hard to wetransfer at the free rate of 2GB a shot. You might have to sign up but it's a completely legit business. I used it for work.
PLEASE NO FACEBOOK! I just shudder at the idea. I'd rather stick to LJ. It's out of the limelight but still visible. I didn't friends lock this post. Same with go fund me. I don't want to attract downloading bots etc. Could turn this into a blood bath very easily.
Comments 11
I’ve been meaning to ask you if you had podfics - because I knew you would ;) This is awesome! You are awesome. Thank you!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for this! I know what I am downloading tonight!
I've got the site for another two months so grab while you can. They are big files. Hard to wetransfer at the free rate of 2GB a shot. You might have to sign up but it's a completely legit business. I used it for work.
omg, I was just about to ask you about podfics and here you come! Thanks love, you know you are a treasure with this.
I would like to help! I can’t give much but I can give a little. How about the Facebook groups? Or is that too public? Or those go fund me things?
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