Ok, so I'm just posting this cause I need to write down my thoughts, and not because I have anything interesting to say... at all!!
Well, first of all I actually kinda liked the this weeks epi of GG, which is a bit wierd since I usually watch for Chuck and Blair and Chuck's sl this week was LAAAAME! I think it's like the second time I've enjoyed an epi that lacked either the presence of Chuck himself or the presence of a decent Chuck storyline, the first one being Blair Waldorf must pie... Anyways, here's what I'm thinking:
Nate being all jealous and brooding? Yay, totally loved him... Trying on the hat, his (ridiculously fake) accent, (loved Dan's too, btw) his meltdown on stage... all I needed was some Nate/Chuck bonding time... You know, Nate telling Chuck what a lame-ass friend he'd been and that he was sorry... (but I guess, knowing that Nate will hook up with Blair in a minute, it would have made him look like an even bigger assholl... No wait, I take that back... Nothing could make Nate a bigger assholl than his getting back together with Blair... Seriously, I hope Chuck gets an opportunity to kick his ass some time soon!) Moving on to Vanessa... no matter how much I try to like her I just cant!! With Nate, with Serena, it doesn't make a difference. I DONT LIKE HER!! Actually I might have enjoyed her scene with Blair a little more than the others. Well anywho... Serena was super cute crushing on the creepy director (who was totally hilarious btw) and no DS angst!! YES!! Dan and Rachel were surprisingly sweet and believable, and Dan in general was a total winner. Rufus... *falls asleep*... you get the point...
Oh, and the review guy was spot on!! Turtleneck and everything...! Loved him!
...and... *drumroll please*: Chuck.... seriously... Like SERIOUSLY??? WTF was that RIDICULOUS storyline about?? This Elle person just popped up out of NO WHERE and we're supposed to believe that Chuck, who has never looked twice at any woman besides Blair, falls in love with her in a week or so?? And that he was ready to RUN AWAY with her??? If I didn't know any better I'd think the writers had accidentally mixed up Chuck and Nate's storylines, because if Nate had done it I would have been prone to believe it. But Chuck? no way! I will admit, though, that I can always find pleasure in watching Ed making out with someone, no matter who it is...! I'll just imagen it's me and not some completely unimportent guest star!! Buh Bye Elle!! It was nice to meet you... not!! Ok, one more word about her... couldn't the writers have had like Serena or even Vanessa tell Chuck what Elle told him at the end?? Why does this totally boring and irrelevant person have to be the one to make Chuck realise that he is in love with Blair?? Jeez writers... get a grip! Oh well, despite the dissaster that was Chuck/Elle I really liked the rest of the epi, and from what i've seen of next weeks epi it looks like a total winner. The Chuck/Serena/Dorota sneek peak is made of so much win! Oh and by the way, allow me to sqeel once again over the fabulous spoilers we've gotten these past couple of days... Chuck and Blair making out in the street looking sooo happy and soo in love (I won't even mention the *blip* since Josh basically confirmed that it was an attempted decoy... wtf's up with that btw??) AND the script snippet that someone with superhero eyesight managed to read; Chuck saying the three little words... OMG it's going to be amazing! The only thing keeping my from dancing around with joy is the fact that I have to wait like 2 month to see it:(
Anyways... I don't think I've got anything left to say...
Except for this very interesting fact that I've learned today: the spanish sun and scandinavian skin does not mesh well together... how else could I have gotten a sunburn in march!! Jeez....!! And to think that my friends and family are walking around in coats and gloves right now...
Note to self: Sun screen, sun screen, sun screen!!!